Tag: Weight Loss

Can gluten-free foods help reduce weight?

Can gluten-free foods help reduce weight?

Gluten-free food is already an important part of the arsenal for people with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes an adverse reaction in the small intestine whenever gluten is consumed. Lets find out Can gluten-free foods help reduce weight? So, gluten-free diet advocates have 

The Top 7 Herbs for Weight Loss

The Top 7 Herbs for Weight Loss

Image Source It’s no secret that watching your diet is the key to losing weight. What’s also important is doing various exercises to help you lose weight. You might like to hit the gym for it or exercise at home. People who tend to work 

Reasons to Start Losing Weight Right Now

Reasons to Start Losing Weight Right Now

Losing body weight is not that easy. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. A healthy weight is very important for good health and one’s well-being.

People who are obese are more likely to develop serious health issues like heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and some other risk factors as well. The reason why being overweight is dangerous because it puts a lot of strain on the heart. Therefore losing weight is the best way to prevent ourselves from the health complications arising from being overweight.

Here are some reasons why you should start losing weight right now

Your Heart health will Improve

Heart health will get a major boost when you lose even small amounts of weight. Losing weight causes the heart to reduce its workload. Blood vessels supply the heart with blood and the heart will pump it smoothly. Losing weight will make triglycerides go down and your HDL cholesterol will go up. Blood clots will also decrease.

Reduces Back Pain

Increased weight contributes to back pain because the leg muscles which are not strong enough to carry the body become overworked. When you lose weight, you will effectively reduce the strain on your spinal cord and back muscles. Losing weight, especially when it comes off the stomach, reduces the excessive extension of the spine and unloads these tissues thereby reducing pain.

Helps to control Diabetes

Losing weight can help you prevent diabetes or will help you to manage it better if you have been diagnosed with it. Weight loss helps to drain excess fat from the pancreas and allow it to function normally. Exercising daily and maintaining a healthy and proper diet is very important to control diabetes.

Helps to Reduce Stress

Stress tends to increase stress hormones such as cortisol the body. This will result in an increase in hunger and eventually, you will gain weight. Once you start losing weight, you will start feeling less stressed. The strategies to reduce stress and associated weight gain is to have better sleep, exercise daily and relax your brain.

Helps to Sleep Better

If you are trying to lose weight, the amount and quality of sleep that you get is as important as diet and exercise. Lack of sleep will interfere with the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates which causes an increase in blood sugar levels. Losing weight has also been known to cure sleep apnea, a condition where breathing starts and stops during sleep.

If you are overweight or obese, then losing a small amount of body weight will benefit your weight in several ways and ensure you stay fit and healthy and lead a happy and cheerful life.

Visit our Fitsapp website or download our app and workout with the best trainers at your home or at the nearby gym or fitness center.

8 Natural Ways to Stay Healthy

8 Natural Ways to Stay Healthy

Being healthy is something that most people hope for. However, not everyone is ready to put in the work to ensure they’re healthy. For those that are ready to start living a healthy life, you may be on the lookout for knowledge as well as 

When Ordinary Symptoms Go out of Hand: 7 Signs It’s Time to See Your Doctor

When Ordinary Symptoms Go out of Hand: 7 Signs It’s Time to See Your Doctor

There are millions of people that ignore telling signs of a serious condition. By not seeing a doctor early, it is more likely the condition will worsen. Any illness that seems small can become a life-threatening problem when left unchecked. Companies like green shield health 

Shortcuts to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Shortcuts to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Are you the type of person who winces and jolts when someone tells you that they are having fun while working out? Do you have trouble maintaining a healthy lifestyle, due to tight schedules? Well, you’re definitely not alone in this. The majority of people face these problems or loathe the idea of exercising regularly and/or eating healthy. But what if we told you that these habits can be both fun and easy? Even if you consider yourself to be ’lazy’ in that regard, or maybe you’re pulling out the good old excuses such as ’I don’t have time for exercising/eating healthy,’ – there really are many different ways for you to change that and get moving.

Set realistic goals in the beginning

The first mistake that you can make when committing to a healthier lifestyle is going all-in. Take small steps, and take pride in what you achieved. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting out of the chair. But don’t try to do too much at once. For starters, it would be more than enough to take a brisk 10-minute walk in the neighborhood, or get down on the floor and do some yoga or stretching.

Try to do that every day. Let that be your first goal. 10-20 minutes of light exercises won’t work wonders for you overnight, but what really matters is building up that routine. The progress is bound to happen, just stick to your plan long enough and the results will gradually show. Even if you skip a workout or two, the important thing is not to give up and continue with your old nasty habits. Focus on long-term plans and look at the bigger picture. Don’t let minor setbacks distract you from your goals.

Have fun while working out

Shortcuts to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Does doing push-ups and sit-ups regularly sound like a tedious nightmare? What about playing games? We people are homo ludens, beings who like to play, as Johan Huizinga famously wrote. You can do just about anything while playing games – including getting fit. Just think about all those team sports out there, that people are enjoying every day.

You don’t have to be at a high or professional level to have fun playing a sport with your friends or a random group of people. The core element of everything is some kind of game, you just have to find the one that suits you the most. If you are not a fan of going to the gym, try running/jogging, swimming, riding a bike, roller skating, or hiking in the woods. Getting your body to move is what’s really important. And by all means, it doesn’t have to be conventional. You can try dancing regularly, throwing a frisbee with friends or flying a kite. It all counts as a form of exercising, and you will quickly see the benefits also.

Fast food doesn’t have to mean ’junk’ food

Shortcuts to Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

The notion that quickly prepared foods are by default unhealthy is a myth busted a long time ago. So is the one which tells a story that all healthy foods taste bad. For example, for breakfast, you can make a delicious omelet by adding some spinach or lettuce to the mix, and some cheese on top. If you’re in a hurry, just put sliced avocado on top of the toasted whole-grain bread, add salt, pepper and olive oil. You won’t be hungry until lunch with so many healthy, unsaturated fats.

For lunch, opt for grilled turkey or chicken breasts over hamburgers. Higher protein intake also makes you fuller for longer periods of time. Great alternative for quick meal preparation is making a tasty smoothie as well. You can make them in no time. Blend your favorite fruits and veggies with a couple of spoons of oats and supplement it with True Protein, and you have virtually everything your body needs. Higher protein intake is especially recommended if you’re working out. Protein supplements are an awesome way to heal those torn muscle fibers after exercising.


So, to conclude, there really shouldn’t be any excuses in terms of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you find tedious or annoying some of the more traditional methods of working out, choose something adventurous and daring instead. Even if you’re too busy with daily tasks and can’t find enough time to eat right and exercise on a regular basis, there are still more than a few ways to get around this. Life is not always fun and games, but why not make working out and eating good, nutritious foods entertaining and amusing? Remember, it’s never too late to pick up those healthy habits. Now you know that it’s really not that hard to make these changes. Basically, all it takes is good will and right approach towards something which is often times labeled as tiresome.

8 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

8 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Among the problems that being overweight can lead to are heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, all of which can shorten lives. Being obese is, therefore, a killer. The big question then is how to lose weight and keep it off? Losing 

Four Weight Loss Solutions for Those Who Have Tried Everything

Four Weight Loss Solutions for Those Who Have Tried Everything

There is a lot to be said about healthy living. Not only can it help you look great, but it can also help you feel great. It will help you live longer. It will help you boost your mental health and mood, and so on. 

Pro Tips to Get More From Group Fitness Classes

Pro Tips to Get More From Group Fitness Classes

Whether you’re swinging kettlebells or pedalling through a spin session, group fitness classes are a great way to get into shape. Health and fitness classes provide instructor motivation, an energetic atmosphere, and boredom proof routines to keep you going with personal accountability for your own goals. However, if you want to take it to the next level, there are some pro tips to get more out of your classes.

Invest in Some Higher Tech Gear

Before heading out to any group health and fitness clubs in Melbourne , you should consider upgrading your kit. Swap your cotton gear for poly blends that help to regulate body temp and wick moisture. Research has shown that women who wear polyester fabrics when exercising showed improvements in their athletic performance compared to working out in cotton clothing.

Think Form Rather Than Speed

Speed and repetition don’t necessarily mean a better outcome. The key to avoiding injury and building muscles is ensuring your body parts are in the right place. While an instructor will explain arm or foot placement and provide modifications, it is crucial that you ask questions if you feel unsure. If you feel a little shy to speak up during the class, stay behind and ask to be shown the precise alignment for your next class.

Practice Proper Posture

While you may think posture is only important for yoga, it is crucial for other strength moves and cardio. For example, if you’re rowing going as fast as possible isn’t important, rather concentrate on your posture. Ideally, 60 percent of the power for the motion should come from your legs, while 20 percent comes from your core, rather than relying solely on your arms.

Stand Up During Spinning

Regardless of the cycle, you prefer using, getting up out of the saddle whenever possible will help you gain the most from the class. Research has shown that standing climbing or adopting a running position will generate higher cardiorespiratory responses compared to sitting. So, try to stand up whenever you have the option even if you feel tired as you’ll get better endurance benefits.

HIIT Your Heart Rate

If you want to get the best from your health and fitness classes, strap on a monitor and ensure you’re hitting your target heart rate. For a highly efficient workout, look to spend most of the class in the aerobic zone at approximately 70% of your maximum heart rate, with the remaining time in the anaerobic zone at 84% of your maximum heart rate. Spending up to 20 minutes during an hour long class in the higher range will help you to burn more calories even if you’ve stopped moving.

Have Fun

Dreading an exercise class means that it’s likely you’ll find other tasks that have to be completed, and you’ll end up missing it. Two Cornell Food & Brand Lab studies found that treating your workout as fun can result in eating less later, which can further aid you to achieve your fitness goals.

If you’re interested in group fitness classes, you should visit us. We offer a fantastic range of yoga classes in Melbourne, health and fitness classes and you’ll find our team members would be delighted to answer any questions to help you discover your ideal class.

4 Steps to Weight Loss and Tackling Health Issues

4 Steps to Weight Loss and Tackling Health Issues

Weight loss tends to be one of the main goals many women have throughout the year. If you are looking to get into your best shape, it’s best to focus on making your health a priority. Sometimes, there are underlying health issues you need to