5 Signs that it’s Time to Get Help for Your Mental Illness

5 Signs that it’s Time to Get Help for Your Mental Illness

25% of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetimes.

That same source states that 450 million people around the world are currently suffering from mental illness.

Clearly, mental health is an immensely prevalent global issue. The need for adequate support and treatment has never been higher.

It can be hard to know when to access help though. That’s especially true if you’ve never experienced an episode of ill-health before. Or, if your health has already deteriorated past a certain point. Priorities shift.

We wanted to share 5 signs that it may be time to seek support for severe mental illness.

Keep reading to find out what they are.

5 Indications You Should Seek Help for Your Severe Mental Illness

It can be hard to know when to get support when you’re in the throes of poor mental health. Sometimes knowing in advance what to look out for can help you seek support when you need it most.

Access support in various places. Doctor surgeries, health clinics (such as United Medical), emergency departments, helplines…it depends on your situation and the urgency of support you require.

Here are 5 signs that mental health support may be a good idea.

1. You’re Experiencing Intense Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are part of the human condition. We all have our low moments.

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The difference comes when the emotions are severely negative, and prolonged. Extreme low mood, anxiety, anger, fear, low self-esteem… the exact emotion doesn’t matter. Pay attention to how you’ve been feeling and seek support if you’re unsure.

2. You’re Withdrawing from Social Situations and Ignoring Self-Care

Many of us will shy away from social situations when we’re unwell.

The thought of being with other people becomes less and less appealing. Being alone and in a familiar place is all we wish for. Likewise, forgoing typical self-care routines (showering, changing clothes, and so on) can also indicate a deteriorating mental state.

3. You’re Having Suicidal Thoughts

Thoughts of self-harm and suicide should be taken seriously.

You may find yourself researching how to commit suicide or harm yourself. You may start ruminating over ending your life. If this has featured in your experience, then it’s essential that you seek professional support right away.

4. You’re Self-Medicating with Drugs And/Or Alcohol

Turning to drugs or alcohol is an understandable way of coping with intense negative experience.

But it becomes a damaging and reinforcing cycle. The relief is temporary, and the effects will worsen the initial negative internal experience. Reliance builds.

Are you drinking more than usual, or taking drugs? Consider seeking support.

5. Your Eating and Sleeping Habits Have Changed

Again, be wary of any significant change to your normal routine.

Dramatic shifts in eating and sleeping habits can indicate deteriorating mental health. Negative eating habits can mean eating far more than usual, as well as eating far less. You may not be sleeping well either, or feeling like all you want to do is sleep.

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Time to Wrap Up

People with severe mental illness often require support to get better.

However, it can be tough to think clearly when you’re in the grips of it. The 5 signs we’ve discussed here are clear indicators that mental health support may be required. If you notice any of them in yourself or a loved one, it might be a good idea to speak to a professional.

Oftentimes, the signs of a deteriorating mental state show up in significant changes in your normal experience of life.

Be vigilant for long periods of intense negative emotions, withdrawing from social situations, and forgoing personal care. Suicidal thoughts (and those of self-harm), abuse of drugs and alcohol, and shifts in eating and sleeping habits are all further signs you may require support.

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