Painkiller Addiction Symptoms: 5 Signs Your Loved One is Addicted to Painkillers

Painkiller Addiction Symptoms: 5 Signs Your Loved One is Addicted to Painkillers

Experts found that opioid addiction diagnostics rose in 493 percent between 2010 to 2016. Believe it or not, painkiller addiction is more common than ever. Is your friend or loved one addicted to pain killers?

The first step to help your loved one is learning the most common signs of painkiller addiction. Once you learn to notice the signs, you can help them get the medical attention they need and break their addiction cycle.

Don’t know how to know if your loved one is suffering from pain killer addiction? We’ll tell you everything about the most common painkiller addiction symptoms. Read on to learn how to help your loved one break their cycle.

How to Deal with Your Loved One’s Pain Killer Addiction

Addictions affect patients and loved ones in ways such as losing financial stability to long term mental issues. It’s important for family members and friends to pay attention to their loved one’s behavior.

The first step is learning the most common signs of painkiller addiction. Noticing these signs can help you prevent more damage to the patient. If you learn that your loved one is suffering a pain killer addiction, you can help them find a treatment center and get the help they need.

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Don’t know how to tell if your loved one needs help? Here are some of the most common signs of medication abuse.

1. Taking These Medications When They’re Not in Pain

Most pain killer addiction patients start consuming these medications to deal with their pain. After using these prescriptions for some time, they keep consuming them even when they don’t need them.

2. Hiding or Denying Their Consumption

Is your friend or loved one hiding their medications? Do they get uncomfortable when you ask them about their prescriptions?

Patients may get irritated or angry when you ask them if they’ve been taking pain killers. Some may even hide their prescriptions to have easy access to their medications and keep abusing them.

3. Visiting More Doctors Than Usual

Many patients start taking pain killers to deal with health conditions. Doctors may discontinue prescribing the medications. People experiencing addiction to these meds might visit more doctors to get new prescriptions for the drugs.

4. Mood Swings and Hostility

Overmedication and addiction can cause patients to experience mood swings. Does your friend or loved one suddenly burst in anger? Some patients experience sudden mood swings from elation to anger and vice-versa.

5. Social Isolation and Depression

People who are experiencing addiction to medications become isolated from society. They may even experience depression due to taking their prescriptions or even withdrawal from taking fewer medications.

The Bottom Line About Painkiller Addiction Symptoms

It may be difficult to notice if your friend or loved one is experiencing painkiller addiction symptoms. But you must pay close attention to their behavior to help them break their cycle. Keep in mind that not all patients experience the same signs.

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If you’re unsure, you should consider consulting a health professional or a treatment center. Experts can explain any other symptoms your loved one may experience. Also, a professional can advise and tell you more about the best treatment options for your friend or loved one.

Noticing your friend or loved one’s painkiller addiction signs is the first step to help them break the cycle. While it may not be easy to convince them to quit, you can discuss the reasons why they should seek help and get sober. Don’t know how to convince them?

Read our article to learn the reasons why your friend or loved one should end their drug abuse cycle.

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