7 Interesting Digestive Cleanse Tactics That Could Boost Your Internal Health

7 Interesting Digestive Cleanse Tactics That Could Boost Your Internal Health

Almost three-quarters of Americans suffer from digestive discomfort.

If you are one of them, then you may be in need of a digestive cleanse. A good digestive cleanse can do wonders for your body, but can be quite daunting at first.

Don’t worry, we are here to help. Read on for seven interesting tactics that can help you carry out a digestive cleanse.

1. Water

Water plays a huge part in detoxifying the human body. If dehydration affects the colon, it is easier for toxins to take root and build up.

Make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. This will help regulate digestion. To support a water flush, you need to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

You aren’t limited to flushing your system with water the traditional way. Colon hydrotherapy is a quick and effective method or removing waste from your digestive system. You can learn more about it at this blog.

2. High-Fiber

Fiber is one of the most important parts of your diet. But despite its importance, it is often passed over. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, oatmeal, and grains are all excellent sources of fiber.

There are two types of fiber. Soluble fiber lowers cholesterol and glucose levels. Insoluble fiber helps to bind excess matter in your digestive system. It will also regulate over or under-active bowels, creating a better environment for “good” bacteria.

By eating a diet with a good supply of high-fiber foods, you will aid your body in maintaining a healthy digestive system. As fiber is often very filling, it can also help you to lose weight!

3. Herbal Tea

Herbal teas are popular health drinks, and many of them assist with a digestive cleanse. Made from an infusion of herbs and hot water, you can either make your own or buy ready-made herbal teabags.

There are a lot of herbal infusions out there, but for digestive health, they are split into two groups. Laxative herbs and antimicrobial herbs.

If you are suffering from or prone to constipation, then laxative herbal teas can help loosen you up. Laxative herbs include aloe vera, slippery elm, and marshmallow root. Due to their strength, consult your doctor before using them.

Antimicrobial teas are made from herbs that harm bad bacteria. Because of this, cayenne pepper, garlic, and ginger are included in many cleanses.

You can drink antimicrobial teas two to three times a day. But be sure not to overdo any laxative teas. Once a day is enough!

4. Juices

Smoothies and juices are a mainstay of colon cleanses. Even celebrities have advertised the benefits of cleanses such as the lemon-based Master Cleanse.

A moderate diet of juices can be good for you. Juice blends have nutrients and fibers that help digestion and are easy for the body to absorb. They also have a high water content to keep you regular and hydrated. Vitamin C is also good for the colon and can be found in of fruit and vegetables.

Although juice diets are very popular, many dietitians recommend smoothies over juices. This is because smoothies often have greater health benefits. Fruit skins and pulp are both removed when creating juice. This means that juices lack the fiber found in fruits. As you have seen, fiber is very good for your digestive health, so it is a waste to lose this.

You don’t need to drink only smoothies or juices to see the benefits though. You will see a difference by including more of them in your current diet.

5. Saltwater

If you are dealing with constipation or irregularity, a saltwater flush may be just what you need.

Before breakfast, mix two teaspoons of salt into lukewarm water. Natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan pink salt are the best choices.

Drink this fast (before the taste can take its toll), and it should only take a few minutes for you to feel the need to use the bathroom. Do this every morning and evening always before a meal. It’s advised to do it when you are going to be home for a while afterward. You might need to use the toilet more than once.

This will flush out your entire digestive system, clearing your constipation. It may also help to reduce bloating and lethargy.

6. Resistant Starches

Like fiber, resistant starches are found in plants.

Good sources include potatoes, rice, grains, and green bananas. They increase gut micro-flora which promotes a healthy colon.

Traditional starches are turned into glucose during digestion. Resistant starches are not digested in the small intestine, which means they do not increase your glucose levels.

They will help you feel fuller, while also lowering your cholesterol and reducing your chance of colon cancer.

The downside is that resistant starches are most often found in carbohydrates. But low-carb dieters can find options including waxy potatoes and rice. Including these into your diet is great for promoting a healthy digestive system..

7. Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that you add to your diet. That may sound gross, but it is actually natural and healthy. You may have heard them referred to as “Good” bacteria.

Probiotics live in your gut and help you to digest your food. Introducing “good” bacteria to your digestive system helps to balance out the “bad” bacteria introduced by a poor diet. They help to reduce inflammation and improve your regularity.

There are two ways to get probiotics into your diet. You can increase your intake of probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt and fermented foods. You can also take specific probiotic supplements. These come in many flavors and are readily available.

One probiotic you may not have heard of it apple cider vinegar. It is often used for colon cleanses and overall health as the enzymes and acids help to suppress bad bacteria.

The Best Digestive Cleanse For You

As you can see, there are quite a few options when it comes to giving yourself a digestive cleanse. You can help to cleanse by making changes to your diet such as increasing fiber, or taking supplements like probiotics. You can also carry out a juice or salt-water cleanse.

After cleansing, make sure you are looking after your digestive system by practicing good nutrition.