The Ketogenic Diet 101 – The Beginner’s Guide

The Ketogenic Diet 101 – The Beginner’s Guide

The ketogenic diet or the keto diet is a cool new diet plan that many people are following nowadays. Low carb and high fat, this diet might seem odd but it is a very healthy way to lose weight.

You might have heard how people on the keto diet tend to lose weight quickly. Well, this is true. While you can definitely lose weight with the keto diet, that is just one of the many benefits of this cool new diet. In fact, several studies have shown the history and results of the keto diet. Let’s take a look at this beginner’s guide on the keto diet.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a diet, which, for those who are unaware, generally consists of high fat and low carbohydrate intake on a daily basis. There is a drastic reduction in the amount of carbs that you will put in your body, thereby creating a difference in your metabolic state. Your metabolic system goes into ketosis, which causes your body to become more efficient at burning fat to provide you energy.

The fat also turns into ketones due to different processes in the liver, which is beneficial for the human brain. Studies have shown that increased levels of ketones can result in lower insulin and blood sugar levels.

Different Kinds of Keto Diets

Keto diets would be boring if everybody were eating the same thing all the time for each meal. Luckily, there are four different types of ketogenic diets:

  • The Standard: The SKD or Standard Keto Diet has very low levels of carbs, moderate levels of protein and high levels of fat.
  • Cyclical Keto Diets: CKD has a few periods of high carb refeeds. For instance, 5 days of keto with 2 days of exception for carbs.
  • Targeted Keto Diet: TKD allows the addition of carbs but includes more workouts.
  • High Protein Keto Diet: Comprises the standard keto diet and higher levels of protein.

The effects of the standard and high protein keto diets have been comprehensively observed and analyzed by researchers. However, scientists have yet to study the cyclical and targeted keto diets properly, which are much more complex than the other ones.

Keto Helps Lose Weight

Among the many benefits of keto diets is that they help reduce weight. Once that happens, a lot of the other risk factors involving other diseases automatically go away as well. Research has shown that keto is much better than low-fat diets for losing weight.

Increased protein intake, ketosis, and several other factors make keto diet more beneficial than low-fat diets. In addition to increased burning of fat, keto also encourages the body to maintain healthier levels of insulin and blood sugar rather than allowing them to shoot up.

Other Benefits of the Keto Diet

You might be surprised to learn how the keto diet actually came into being. You might have assumed that the keto diet came out as a method to lose weight, but you are wrong. The keto diet has an effect when it comes to reducing weight, but it was developed for treating neurological diseases like epilepsy.

Of course, with the success of ketogenic diets for neurological conditions, there were other health benefits that researchers started to witness among patients using the keto diet.

The risk of heart disease is known to decrease because of the reduction in risk factors through the ketogenic diet. Not only do the cholesterol levels go down, but scientists have also observed lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels among people due to the ketogenic diet.

The diet is also being used to help outpatients with cancerous growth. A study has found that a restricted ketogenic diet can work as an effective treatment for slowing down the growth of malignant brain tumors.

When it comes to the conditions affecting the brain, the keto diet is also considered to have significant neuroprotective properties. This essentially means that conditions like Alzheimer’s can be fought rigorously by being particular about the intake of carbs, fats, and proteins. A study published in 2008 observed the disease-modifying effects of the keto diet. The study found that there is a possibility that the keto diet can provide symptomatic benefits to patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Eating Out While on Keto

Now, a major part of the ketogenic diet is maintaining a lifestyle that can help you maintain ketosis in your metabolic system. Now, you might start getting concerned about being able to eat at your favorite restaurants if you are on the ketogenic diet and lifestyle. But you might be surprised to learn that you can make things work out.

You see, when you head out to a restaurant, you are paying the restaurant a good amount of money to dine in and enjoy a good meal. In other words, you are in charge of what you eat there.

While ordering a complicated no-carb, high fat and high protein meal may seem like a hassle, that is a right you need to exercise and you can. A large number of restaurants that you go to will be able to accommodate a good old fashioned ketogenic diet for you from their existing menu. It is up to you to decide how that will happen.

Many restaurants, nowadays, are also making a conscious effort to serve their customers with healthier food options. Take a look at this website so that you can also learn about the strategies to make even the most carb-dominant restaurant serve you some delicious and fresh ketogenic food.

You see, when you are eating a keto diet, the food items are not exactly specially made for it. The ketogenic diet is not like going vegan and eating tofu; it is a much simpler matter. You can actually learn about different strategies, which you can apply to make sure that the food you eat at your favorite restaurant can become a working part of your keto diet.