The Five Best Ways To Work On Your Strength Training

Anyone who regularly visits the gym or has an exercise routine will probably already have strength training built into their workout regimes – but if you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, you might not have encountered it yet. Put simply, strength training is the method of using resistance to build muscles and burn calories, but it’s not just for people who want to look buff; working those muscles is a great way to keep your body in the best possible condition, and helps you to stay living independently as you get older. If you’re brand new to strength training, and you’re not sure where to start – read on. We’ve got five great tips to set you off on the right track.
Start Slowly
We know only too well the temptation to throw yourself into a new fitness routine completely; you’re feeling enthusiastic and motivated, and working out several times a day, every day, seems like a brilliant idea. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, and can actually have detrimental effects on your body; the aim here is to challenge yourself, not receive an injury! Beginning your strength training using just your body weight, and starting with just two days a week is a great way to kick things off, and will give your muscles time to adjust. Eventually, you can work up to three days a week, without throwing your body into shock.visit here
Fuel Your Body Correctly
While the correct exercises and training program are essential for strength training, building lean muscle also comes down to diet and the right nutrition. Fueling your body with the wrong foods will leave you sluggish and low on energy, so it’s important to make sure you pack all the good things into your meals and snacks. Increasing calories, and eating high-protein foods with plenty of carbohydrates and fats is key; lean meat such as chicken and turkey is an automatic winner – it’s packed with protein, and plenty of those all-important B vitamins which is great for an exercise aimed at muscle gain. Superfoods such as avocados, quinoa, and beans are also fantastic, and for something a little sweeter try plenty of Greek yogurts. It contains double the amount of protein as regular yogurt. You can also boost your diet with protein powders. These are specially formulated supplements that include fat metabolizers, extra vitamins, and minerals.
Consider Hiring a Personal Trainer
While there are tonnes of brilliant online workouts and fitness apps, sometimes you just need expert advice. Joining a gym is a great way to access professional advice, but for one-to-one attention, why not hire a personal trainer to help you on your way to peak fitness? As well as providing you with the best exercise knowledge and tips possible, they can also give you guidance on everything from nutrition and goal setting to creating challenges and avoiding injuries. A personal trainer comes at a cost, though, and anyone with a less than perfect credit rating will know the challenges of accessing credit cards and loans. Bonsai Finance has the answer, though; they provide installment loans for anyone who might have experienced financial difficulty – read more here.
Pick The Right Equipment
If you’ve decided to work on your strength training at home, choosing the right tools is essential to a successful fitness program. The good news is that you’ve already got the most vital piece of equipment – your own body! Exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, and squats are a great place to start and will cost you absolutely nothing. Once you’re ready to move on, the key thing to remember is that strength training is basically made up of resistance movements, so anything that challenges you is great. Specially formulated resistance bands are relatively cheap, and allow you to work those muscles easily, while dumbbells and weights are also great. If you’re on a tight budget, you can find some brilliant weight substitutes around the house; try cans of soup or even just a gallon jug of water. If you’ve got the space at home and a little more to spend, professional equipment such as barbells and weight benches are great to have to hand. If you’re struggling to structure an exercise program, there are plenty of online videos and digital apps that can help you on the right path; Fitness Point is an incredibly comprehensive app that includes useful images, descriptions, and details on the muscle group affected by each exercise, while Fitted Lifts tracks your performance and allows you to log your sets and reps while you do them.
Make The Most Of Rest Days
Rest days, or the days you don’t exercise, are just as important as the days you’re working out – making sure you take enough time off in between strength training sessions is the key to allowing your body to rest, and helps to avoid any injuries. It might sound unbelievable, but resting the muscles actually allows them to grow more effectively, and it also gives your immune system time to repair any minor damages. Rest days are also important for your mental health; they allow your heart rate to return to normal and ensure your sleep is the best quality it can be. You shouldn’t avoid activity completely, though, and starting the day with a series of gentle stretches keeps your body activated and your muscles awake without overworking them. You could also schedule in a fun activity for the day, whether it’s playing football with friends, hiking out into the woods or taking a dance class. Making sure you continue eating well is also important for your routine; your training days will zap your nutrition levels quickly, so top up on the days you’re not working out. Pack in plenty of protein, tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables, and add some oily fish to your meals – a rest day isn’t an excuse to reach for the cupcakes, chips or pizza!