Clear your Ear Buzz with these Natural Tinnitus Remedies

Clear your Ear Buzz with these Natural Tinnitus Remedies

The usual ringing in the ears which can also sound like clicking, hissing, roaring, or buzzing can be described as Tinnitus. Tinnitus actually means discerning sound in the absence of external noise. The nature of sound can be either very soft or very loud, and low-pitched or high-pitched. Some people hear it in one ear and others hear it in both. People with severe tinnitus can have problems with hearing, working, or sleeping. Also, people who smoke or take drugs, and those who have a history of ear infections or cardiovascular disease are in the high-risk zone for developing tinnitus.

Tinnitus can be best described as a symptom rather than a disease. It is a symptom that signals when something is wrong with your auditory system. It could be your ear, the auditory nerve that connects the inner ear to the brain or the brain parts that process sound. Tinnitus is caused by a variety of conditions, though the hearing loss induced by noise has been the most common one.

The goal for any tinnitus treatment is to assist you to manage your perception and reception of sound in your head. So, there is no cure for tinnitus – be it of any nature and type: temporary or permanent, severe or mild, instant or gradual. Albeit, there are natural treatment methods and coping strategies for tinnitus which will help those affected by tinnitus to adjust to the changes that it brings. Following are the six tinnitus treatment options or remedies to choose from.

Remedies for Tinnitus

     1. Hearing aids

Most people when they lose hearing because of tinnitus, their brain undergoes certain

unusual changes that cause it to process sound frequencies differently than normal

brains. Small electronic devices that employ an amplifier, microphone and a speaker can

help increase the volume of outside noises. These devices are nothing but hearing aids which can pacify neuroplastic changes in the brain’s sound processing abilities. There are many types of hearing aids that are rechargeable on the market today with features that provide relief for hearing loss and tinnitus.

     2. Essential Oil

Essential oils have been potent remedies in treating varied ailments from centuries now. They possess antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which act very effective against many kinds so of infections too. Using Essential oils for Tinnitus can help the affected person relieve from pain, dizziness, and discomfort associated with the ailment and also address the underlying issues that likely cause tinnitus.

     3. Sound-masking devices

By the help of traditional sound-masking devices like a tabletop sound machine which provides a pleasant external noise and that partially drowns out the tinnitus sound. Even small electronic devices that fit into your ears can be employed as sound-masking devices to cure tinnitus. These devices can play a range of sounds such as white noise, music, nature noises or other such ambient sounds.

You can also make use of other sound masking machines like the commercial ones which are devised to help people fall asleep or relax. You may also use a television, headphones, music, or even a fan to get the sound masking effect.

It is interesting to figure out from a 2017 study published in a Neuroscience journal where using broadband noises like white noise or pink noise was most effective while using nature sounds has proven to be much less effective.

     4. Custom-modified sound machines

Where standard masking devices fail to mask the tinnitus sound for long-term use, there you can make use of medical-grade devices that use tailored custom sounds specifically for your tinnitus. Even after switching off the device you may experience the benefits for long and thus, over time, you may experience long-term improvement with respect to your perceived loudness of tinnitus.

     5. Behavioural Therapy

Tinnitus is linked to a high level of emotional stress. Depression, insomnia, and anxiety are common in people affected by tinnitus. A kind of talk therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) helps tinnitus people to not just endure it but accept it as well. The goal is to improve your quality of life rather than letting tinnitus to let you go crazy.

Originally developed as a treatment for depression and other psychological ailments, CBT involves working with a counselor or a therapist at least once per week to identify and change negative thought patterns.

     6. PTM – Progressive Tinnitus Management

A therapeutic treatment program offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, PTM is offered to cure tinnitus which is one of the most common disabilities seen in the armed services veterans. The loud noises of war and even during army training can often lead to noise-induced hearing loss.

     7. Antidepressants

Sometimes, a combination of approaches often works while treating Tinnitus. As part of your treatment, your doctor may make you subscribe to prescribed medication such as antianxiety drugs. These drugs are appropriately named and rightly so, antidepressants make your tinnitus symptoms less annoying thus enhancing your quality of life.

To summarize, tinnitus is a rare health condition that can be frustrating. There’s also no simple cure as the cause or symptoms are not easily deciphered. However, there are ways to improve your quality of life despite being affected by tinnitus with the help of promising treatment options like Cognitive behavioral therapy and Mindfulness meditation, to name some of them.