The Antioxidant Properties of Shilajit

The Antioxidant Properties of Shilajit

Fruits and vegetables touted as “superfoods” these days often have one thing in common: they are rich in antioxidants. But what exactly are antioxidants and why does the body need it? Why is it so important? In this article, we will delve more on the subject of antioxidants, why the body needs it, and why Shilajit is one of the best of sources of quality antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect our cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that contribute to many illnesses, like heart disease, many forms of cancer, aging,  and even Alzheimer’s disease. To understand precisely how free radicals cause damage to the body, a discussion at the molecular level is appropriate. Our body is composed of atoms. Atoms are formed by a combination of protons, neutrons, and the right number of electrons.  Molecules are made when these atoms join. These molecules create the very fundamental substances that make us, us. Proteins, fats, and DNA are made up of molecules.

Chemical reactions occur in our body; we refer to this as metabolism. Our body can utilize molecular components from food, for example, by breaking down the larger molecules into smaller molecules.  For these molecules to be stable, they need the right amount of electrons, and when a molecule loses an electron, they can turn into a free radical.

Free radicals are unstable and electrically charged, and when they come in contact with other molecules, they can damage them. The damaged molecules then form free radicals, creating a chain reaction damaging more molecules.

So how do antioxidants play in regulating free radicals? Quite simply, antioxidant molecules donate electrons to free radicals neutralizing them, preventing them from causing damage to molecules. Antioxidants can be found abundantly in nature. Fruits and vegetables are some of the most common sources of antioxidants. Shilajit is a rich source, containing very high-quality antioxidants per gram.

Shilajit as an Antioxidant

Shilajit is a sticky resin primarily found in the Himalayan rocks. It is known for its antioxidant properties, among its many other health benefits. The antioxidant activity of shilajit is so strong to even help with the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Shilajit has pretty strong antioxidant qualities; that is why it is favored and believed to offer better antioxidant qualities than Noni and blueberries, two antioxidant-rich fruits. In one study, Shilajit was discovered to have a powerful radical captodative effect (stabilized free radicals, preventing them from damaging cells) and was seen to mimic the actions of systemic antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

A study conducted on osteoblastic and mesenchymal cells showed that the fulvic acid found in Shilajit displayed powerful antioxidant and scavenging properties on the by-products of chemical reactions that showed a supressive effect on osteoblastic differentiation. This meant that creation of new bone cells was improved and bone healing and formation effectively increased and could potentially shorten healing times.

Shilajit was found to offer better antioxidant action than ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). It also helped recycle ascorbic acid after it has been used up by free radicals. However this effect was duly noted in processed shilajit. Powerful antioxidant qualities were absent in unprocessed shilajit specimens.

In one study, researchers wanted to see if the shilajit can help neutralize sulphite anion, hydroxy, and nitric oxide free radicals. Processed shilajit was found to protect completely from these free radicals, and they also learned that processed shilajit concentrations affected antioxidant capability, meaning that more shilajit, means better free radical protection.

Also Read: Shilajit. Nature’s Natural Immunomodulator.

Studies reveal that the primary source of shilajit antioxidant action is the large amounts of fulvic acid it naturally contains. It is also considered to have systemic effects as complement activator, meaning that it helped the body effectively utilize its resources better.

All of these studies, show some merit to the claim that shilajit is a wonderful and powerful source of antioxidants. Not only that, it is a better source of antioxidants than fruits.  Shilajit contains an abundant supply of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that synergistically work to help the body reach its maximum potential; in other words, it is a complete package.