Are Facebook Feeds not Loading Correctly? Here is How to Resolve this Issue

Entering Facebook if you scroll and see nothing but blank white pages then what to do? Your news feeds are not loading correctly. Loading news feeds on Facebook needs a few seconds, but it is unbearable when waiting for loading for more than 5minutes. This article is all about fixing any Facebook loading problem and understanding the issue from ground level. Stay tuned and follow the troubleshooting steps given below-
Reasons that prevent Facebook to load properly
Internet connection
Eighty percent of the Facebook loading issue is due to lose internet connection. So be sure your internet connection is functioning correctly while loading news feeds. Check another website in comparison with Facebook. If that goes smoothly, you can be sure the problem is with Facebook. Some time occurring a problem may help you to reduce the addiction of smartphones.
Unnecessary files and Caches
Too much temporary files can affect loading Facebook. Clearing those cache files can solve the issue.
Outdated browser
This is the most common reason for the proper loading of Facebook. Plugin and browser extensions conflict with a web browser. Deleting these extension files can make it smoother loading on Facebook. Updating the web browser can also fix the problem.
Pname Com Facebook Orca Error
The orca folder is designed by Facebook to store and retrieve image, audio, video and other digital data. If this folder becomes corrupted, Facebook can’t access data files from the browser.
Steps to fix Facebook improper loading problem
- Check internet connection- For fixing the internet problem, restart the system. Shutdown computer, modem, and router for 5 minutes then start your PC and check out internet connection after that try to load Facebook news feeds.
- Clearing cache files- Cache files are created automatically to send data from the web browser to the server so that next time you visit the same website, it will load faster. These files can be conflicting with the web browsers that make Facebook load slowly. For chrome, go to settings>clear browser data>Cookies and other site > plugin data> select Cached images and files> clear data and exit.
- Fixing problems with web browser- If the problem is still arising the problem is associated with the browser. To fix it, try the steps below
- Facebook problems loading for-Chromes Go to Chrome setting >extensions>delete. Check if the problem is solved. If not then go to chrome settings> Show advanced settings > Reset settings.
- Pname Com Facebook Orca Error– Corrupted orca file is also responsible for slowing down the Facebook loading. On your mobile device go to setting option then >application>all apps>Facebook clear all data. Restart your Facebook android application. Scroll down and check for results.
All problems solved? Now get going with a hassle-free Facebook session.