Regaining Youthful Skin

Regaining Youthful Skin

Wouldn’t it be nice if we naturally kept our wrinkle-free, twenty something skin? Chances are that frown lines and age spots were not even a thought. Add on another decade and you’re probably starting to fight off those signs of aging. Is it possible to regain that hydrated, tight face? Can you have clear skin without covering it up with concealer and foundation? There are some methods that may just offer you your desired look. Here are three things that could recapture that youthful appearance.

Routine Care

Cleanser and moisturizer probably weren’t too much of a thought when you were younger. It’s time to start investing some time in this regime. As the dirt, make up and oil from the day accrue on your face, so too do black heads and clogged pores. Set aside 10 minutes in the morning and the evening to wash away the grime, feeling a deep clean. Soap isn’t enough though. You’ll want to find a product that is gentle and leaves little residue. Then, after it’s all done, add on some moisturizer. Dry skin shows those wrinkles. Hydrating it, though, could create a smoother countenance.

Schedule Facials

You take care of your teeth, and you probably get a regular hair cut. It’s okay to also set aside time to care for your skin. Locate a spa that provides medical-grade skin care. Use your time to consult about your particular needs and schedule some services. Facials and microdermabrasion treatments could offer you a chance to remove dead skin and help heal the underlying layers.

Drink Fluids

The day gets busy, and it can be difficult to consume the right about of liquids. Drinking water, however, not only nourishes the body, but the skin as well. Try to get about six 8 ounce glasses of day.

Feel good about your complexion by taking time to care for it. Clean it, hydrate it and pamper it.