Guide how to prepare and administer for HGH therapy

Guide how to prepare and administer for HGH therapy

What are Human Growth Hormones and how are they beneficial

Human growth hormone is a hormone found in the body that secrets out of the pituitary gland and it works to promote linear growth. Right now in the United States, there are seven brands of this hormone that can be bought on the market and which brand you get is dependent on how old you or your child is and which one your insurance is going to cover. Many people think that growth hormones are steroids that are unnatural in the body, but they are actually a protein that is grown naturally in the body as it is. This article guides us to how it helps to promote better linear growth in children and young adults and it has also been shown to help with things like slow metabolism, help build bone density, and helps to distribute fat and build lean muscle mass. If you need professional information about HGH it’s always better to consult with a real hormone specialist from clinics like to be confident in the quality of the information.


Why do patients start to use Human Growth Hormone Therapy

This natural hormone is something that is made by the body’s amino acids and is something that is absolutely necessary to have in order for linear growth to happen the way it is supposed to be. It is also necessary so that your body is able to perform important metabolic functions and help patients who are not able to produce enough of their own hormone secretions.


Once your doctor determines you need it, how will they determine your dosage?

How much HGH your doctor will give you is going to be fully dependent on what your doctor says your diagnosis is and how much you weigh. It is important to know what medical condition you have as each condition will respond differently to which growth hormone you get. Guidelines show that typically, younger children and young teenagers will take the hormone 0.3 mg every week while older teenagers and young adults will take closer to 0.7 mg per week which can help them work through puberty as well.


How will your growth hormones be administered and how often?

The patient can essentially give themselves the injection or have their loved ones or a family member administer it for them each time. If the person taking it is younger, it is important to have the parent administer it the first few times, and supervise on afterward as the child learns to do it themselves. When you go to administer it, you will choose the injection site, the leg typically being the most popular one as the tissue there typically hurts the least, and clean that site off with alcohol. When you get the hormone into the syringe, you may end up with a couple of bubbles in there which is typically nothing to worry about and you should not try to get rid of the air before you inject yourself with the hormones (though you can always practice your skills by using a vial of sterile water and practicing how to get the liquid into the syringes without any added air). You will do the injections every few days or once a week depending on the dosage your doctor gives you, and it is important to always stay on top of how much you have left so as to get refills before running out so that you do not have a lapse in time and miss any injections that you are supposed to be getting.


How much growth should you expect to see once the injections begin being administered?

Typically, before you start the injections there will probably be between one and two inches of every year. However, the study showed that after you begin doing the injections, this number is likely to go up to closer to 3-4 inches of growth per year. The first year or two after the injections are started, you will be playing catch-up and growing to where you need to be, every year after that the injections will be helping you stay on track on the growth curve so you are average instead of falling behind.


Once you start the hormones, your doctor will want to see you typically every three months so as to track your progress and monitor thyroid levels. HGH therapy will help your body grow and stabilize where things are normal. If you have any concerns about the injections or feel as though you have had a negative reaction, then it is important to get evaluated by your doctor and create a plan to move forward as this article states above.