Why So Many Mothers are Making the Switch to Organic Baby Products

Parenthood is filled with unforgettable memories and a lifetime of fun moments, but it also comes with lots of worries and tough choices. Should you breast or bottle feed, use a cloth or disposable diaper, feed them branded baby food or homemade foods? With so many decisions to make every day, it can quickly become overwhelming.
Organic baby products allow parents to know their bundle of joy is safe from harmful chemicals and other contaminants. Opting for organic can also cut down on environmental strain so we can help secure a strong future for our children as well.
Organic Difference
The stamp of organic approval is popping up in everything, from onesies to shampoos, but what does it really mean in terms of having a healthier baby? Not choosing the green label doesn’t make you a bad mom. However, every parent should understand the possible risks involved so they can make the best choices for their little ones. Non-organic materials are made without regulations on how much pesticides and other harmful chemicals the manufacturers use. This means the toxicity levels could be through the roof.
While this may not be such a huge deal for adults with mature immune systems, babies have thinner skin and larger pores, making it easier for hazards to seep in. That warm fuzzy blanket may keep out the cold, but what is it letting in while wrapped so close to the baby’s skin? Also, since infants are in a developmental stage, different chemical compounds could, over time, start to affect their natural growth and hormone levels.
Price and Practicality
The main argument against organic baby products is the price. Although, some parents believe that the health benefits gained are worth the slightly higher-priced items. Why do organically cultivated products cost more? Because they generally take longer to make due to the smaller availability of organic resources. Suppliers can’t keep up with the way organic needs have flourished.
So the big question remains- are natural products practical for the everyday family budget?
According to recent statistics, organic food is becoming cheaper as producers find more innovative ways to make these products. This decline in price is also expected to affect other products as well.
Eco-Friendly Sustainability
Most baby Organics are also seen as better for the environment as they are made with all-natural ingredients and don’t burn chemicals into the atmosphere. They are also highly regarded in a minimalist lifestyle, which helps preserve resources as most items can be used and reused, which promotes a recycling mindset.
More Than Just a Label
The term “organic” is heavily regulated when used in the food industry. However, when it comes to other types of products, such as clothing or hygiene items, there are not many requirements regarding labeling. Instead of just looking for the word organic on potential baby products, search for labels such as MadeSafe, EWG Verified, or USDA Certified Biobased Product to ensure that no harmful chemicals or other hazards have been used in its creation.
In the end, it doesn’t matter who says what about organic baby products. There is no incorrect way when it comes to your baby. If you find that going green is right for your family, try and choose only trusted and transparent brands. Brands like Nolie&Us are very helpful, and you can locate many proven organic options, so you know exactly what to expect before you buy.