Some Unknown Side Effects of Sinus Issues

Some Unknown Side Effects of Sinus Issues

Did you know that a sinus infection can cause a wide range of different health issues? Even though some of the symptoms may be easy to track and understand, this is not always the case. You may be surprised to know that a sinus infection can wreak havoc on many different parts of your body. Here are 7 unknown side effects of sinus issues. 

  1. Fever From a Sinus Infection

 When you are dealing with a sinus infection, you may be familiar with all of the common symptoms that come along with these types of seasonal allergies. You may even know how long you will most likely suffer from this kind of excruciating pain. This is especially the case for seasonal sinus sufferers. However, before you think that you know everything about sinus infections, there is one symptom that you may not about, and that is suffering from a high fever. This is because an elevated fever is often rare, except in people who suffer from chronic or acute sinusitis. 

  1. Tooth and Nerve Pain from a Sinus Infection

 Suffering from tooth pain during a sinus infection is more common than many people may think. Today’s dentists are trained to identify the primary differences between regular toothache and pain that comes from an individual’s sinus issues. For instance, when the pain from your sinus becomes inflamed, it can lead to severe pain that can be felt near the teeth. For instance, you may visit your dentist to complain about a cavity or nerve pain in your upper molars. Based on the severity of the pain, patients may prefer the dentists to pull their teeth to alleviate the pain that they are experiencing. Fortunately, for dentists that know the real problem is related to the sinuses and not cavities in the teeth, the teeth can be saved and the patient can be referred to a Hudson Valley Sinus Center specialist that handles sinus infection and these associated medical conditions. 

  1. Eye Pain and Sinus Problems

 Another symptom that some people may not relate to sinus infection is pain in their eyes. This pain can range in severity from one individual to another so some people may know that their eye pain is coming from a sinus infection in the body. However, if they were to investigate these problems by asking their physicians, the physician will be able to explain why their eye pain is related to their sinuses. For instance, everyone has several different sinuses that can affect the tissue and the nerves that surround their eyes. Unfortunately, when these areas become inflamed, the sinus suffer can begin feeling pain in their sinuses and their eyes, too. 

  1. Sinus Side Effects and Bad Breath

 Brushing your teeth, gargling mouthwash, and chewing gum are some common ways to freshen your breath. If you suspect that your breath smells bad, you will most likely take action right away to eliminate these problems. But, wait a minute, in some cases, your problem with halitosis may not be as easy to do as you may think. Since the cause of your breath smelling bad may not be what you think. If your breath smells bad and you have a sinus infection, you will need to take another course of action to address and clear up these problems. For instance, if your breath is giving off a noxious foul odor, breath mints and mouthwash will not take care of these issues. Instead, you can get rid of these problems by using a saline wash to clean out your sinuses. 

  1. Congestion in the Chest and Sinus Issues

 Whenever you think of congestion in your chest, you will most likely envision someone who has a bad cold or even flu-like symptoms. Since a bad cold can leave people coughing and sneezing, it is easy to associate these problems with a stuffed up chest with the possibility of a contagious infection. 

 On the other hand, you may or may not know that a person can have a lot of congestion in their chest due to infectious or noninfectious sinus problems, one in particular that has gradually gotten worse over time. For instance, in some cases, this may simply mean that post nasal drip is more mucus that is settling inside the chest area.

  1. Sense of Taste and Smell is Impaired – Related to Severe Sinus Infections

 If you visit the Hudson Valley Sinus Center in your area, you may find that sinus infections can cause many different health and medical conditions that most people do not know about. In some cases, a sinus infection can even affect a patient’s sense of smell and their sense of taste. When this occurs, the person that is affected may not be able to taste any of the food that they put into their mouth. Nor, can the individual smell the food and other items around them. Unfortunately, this can be a very uncomfortable and unsettling experience for many. However, it is important to remember that these issues are temporary only, especially since the cure is also related to getting rid of the sinus infection. Simply stated, when the sinus infection is completely gone, the person’s sense of taste and their sense of smell can return, too. 

  1. Different types of Bacterial Infections Related to Sinus Issues

 Sometimes people may have a sinus infection that came from other health and medical issues in their body. Two of the most common are colds and flu that is related to viral infections that have been spread through contact with others. Unfortunately, this type of virus can also lead to bacterial sinusitis. Here are 5 sinusitis bacterial infections that people need to know as they fight off these health problems. 

  • Moraxella catarrhalis
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Haemophilus influenzae

Each of these has its distinct characteristics so a Hudson Valley Sinus Center physician can diagnose these signs and symptoms of each.