The Things You Need to Know Before Getting Glaucoma Surgery

The Things You Need to Know Before Getting Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma belongs to a group of diseases related to the eye, which can result in loss of vision and blindness. This occurs due to damage to the optical nerve at the backside of your eye. Certain medicines are used in treating glaucoma initially, post which laser treatment is suggested. However, if both these treatments fail in recovering from glaucoma, doctors recommend going ahead with the surgery. It is essential to remember that surgery does not cure glaucoma. It is done to assist you in shielding the vision of the eye and avoid the progress of glaucoma but cannot undo the loss of sight. Glaucoma surgery Hong Kong is done by the top surgeons and eye hospitals to lower the pressure of the eye. These surgeries are done only one eye at a given time.

Cause of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is caused by raised intraocular pressure, which can result in loss of vision. In this condition, the drainage channels of the eye are clogged. The result is the eye fluid is trapped within the eye. This results in elevated pressure in the eye. This raised intraocular pressure can harm the optic neurological fibers. The result is an irreversible deterioration of vision and total blindness in the eye.

Types of Glaucoma 

Chronic Glaucoma- The most common type of glaucoma is Chronic Glaucoma. In the initial phases, the visual field impact is only at the periphery. It is therefore overlooked, and gradually it impacts the central vision. The danger enhances with age and develops over 35 years of age in people. It also runs within the family at times. There are no symptoms in the early phases. With the rise of intraocular pressure, there can be eye ache accompanied by headache, halos with lights, and hazy vision. 

Acute Glaucoma- Drainage channel of the eye gets clogged short term. This builds intraocular pressure because of extra fluid within the eye. Aching eye pain, halo, vomiting, and vision blur are some signs. It is treated by lowering the eye pressure.

Secondary Glaucoma- This occurs in association with other eye issues like cataract, iritis, steroid use, and eye injury. The treatment is required for both primary eye issues and secondary glaucoma.

Congenital Glaucoma- Newborns get red, watery eyes, light sensitivity, large cloudy corneas, and squint due to this type of glaucoma. Early surgery is essential.

Diagnosis of Glaucoma

A clinical examination of the eye is performed to diagnose glaucoma. This includes an examination of visual fields, optic nerve heads, and intraocular pressures. Total glaucoma assessment is done by an ophthalmologist. 

Initial assessments include:

  • Assess the presence of glaucoma and the risk of developing it.
  • Confirm or exclude an alternate medical diagnosis
  • Recognize the root cause of damage to guide management and treatment.
  • Planning a management strategy
  • Identify treatment forms

Following factors are clinically examined for your eye for a medical diagnosis for glaucoma

  • Intraocular pressure or IOP- Tonometers are used for detecting IOP. 21.5mm Hg is the mean IOP. Higher IOP implies glaucoma of the eye.
  • Gonioscopy- for narrow vision angle- It is vital in the detection of narrow angles of vision and any patient with glaucoma.
  • Morphology of Optic-nerve endings-Ophthalmoscopy is employed to examine the eye interior for optic nerve ending. Cupping or enhanced cup-to-disc ratio area indicates glaucoma. The standard diameter of the eye’s optical disc is 1.5 mm. Cupping of over 0.5mm or ratio over 0.3 indicates glaucoma. 
  • Other factors for recognizing glaucoma are perimetry and other eye issues that can cause glaucoma.

Treatment of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is not curable, but with surgery, intraocular pressure can be minimized in the eye. This can be done by draining extra fluid trapped within the eye.

Some of the different surgeries available are:

  • Trabeculectomy- Treats open-angle glaucoma and takes below one hour to finish. It is done at a hospital. It releases the eye pressure by draining the extra fluid within your eye. This is done through a tiny aperture that is created below the eyelid and in the top portion of the eye. Others cannot see the opening. You shall be discharged the same day. This lower pressure of the eye by 6-8 in every ten persons. It works best for individuals who had no eye surgery previously, such as retina surgery, glaucoma surgery, muscle surgery for eye, and others.
  • MIGS- Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery- MIGS is a surgical method to treat mild glaucoma. This minimizes eye pressure. This method helps you to recover quicker and is very safe. MIGS are of different types, but a doctor will be able to recommend the right type for you.
  • Glaucoma implant surgery-This surgical method treats different glaucoma types. These include neovascular glaucoma, injury-related glaucoma, and congenital glaucoma. This takes around 1-2 hours to complete and is done in a hospital. A shunt/tube is placed into the white portion of the eye. The tube drains the additional eye fluid and minimizes the eye pressure. You shall be discharged the same day.

Post-surgery treatment

Eye drops are prescribed for post-surgery use to avoid any kind of infections and inflammation. These drops have to be used for some weeks and are different from your regular glaucoma drops for the eye. The doctor prohibits you from certain activities such as lifting heavy objects, etc., at least for 2-4 weeks. Eye examination Hong Kong is done as a follow-up post-surgery check-up. These eye checks are done as per doctor’s advice to ensure appropriate eye healing.

Need of Re-surgery

With regular eye checkups with doctors, doctors will be able to assess whether another surgery will be required or not. Doctors carry out an eye pressure test to get an update on your eye conditions and recommend you for treatment accordingly. However, individual patients enjoy long term glaucoma surgery benefits while some don’t. 

Side effects of glaucoma surgery

  • Swollen eye
  • Cornea issues
  • Loss of Vision
  • Cataract 
  • Shallow eye pressure

The best doctors of Hongkong from leading hospitals carry glaucoma surgery efficiently, effectively, and reasonably. Glaucoma surgery Hong kong is efficiently done after careful eye examination and keeping all other aspects of the patient’s health.


Eye Examination Hong Kong is done by proficient doctors thoroughly to assess the presence of glaucoma in any person. Approaching a doctor when there are any signs of glaucoma will save you the pain of the risk factors associated with it, such as blindness and lack of vision. Now that we know the causes, diagnosis, and treatment methods of glaucoma, dealing with it becomes easier.