Four Surprising Ways Your Home Affects Your Mental Health

Four Surprising Ways Your Home Affects Your Mental Health

The average person spends quite a lot of time thinking about their home. Whether you’re focusing on maintenance and repairs or coming up with new ways to design and decorate your space, it can take up a lot of your attention. But, did you know that your house is having an impact on your mental health and wellbeing? Your home provides more than simply giving you shelter from the elements and protecting you from outside threats. Whether you realise it or not, your home affects your mental health how you think and feel on a daily basis. 

Your Housing Situation

Your housing situation has perhaps the biggest impact on your mental health and overall emotional well-being. Research has found that there is a strong link between poor rental housing and mental health problems such as depression. The neighborhood that you live in can also have an impact, with issues such as vandalism, fly-tipping, and vacant lots more likely to lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and even hostility. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to choose a new home that provides you with a great housing situation and a nice neighbourhood to live in. Check out what’s available at


How you decorate your home is often a big step when moving in. Whether you’ve purchased a new home or are renting and your landlord is happy for you to make the place your own, the colours that we are exposed to on a daily basis will have a bigger impact than you think on your stress levels, mood, and behaviour. The relationship between colour and emotional wellbeing is even more apparent in the home since you spend more time there compared to other places. Choose calming colours that make you feel happy for key rooms like the bedroom, living room, and the kitchen where you spend a lot of time. 

Organisation and Clutter

How well your home is organised indoors can have a significant impact on the way that you feel. And in today’s consumerist society, clutter is a huge issue that is definitely not good for anybody’s mental health. Whether you realise it or not, dealing with a lot of items in your home can be mentally exhausting and can lead to a lot of stress. You can help give your mental health a boost by clearing out clutter and donating or selling items that you no longer need, and coming up with smart storage solutions to organise the rest and keep everything neat and tidy. 


Finally, the layout of your home can also affects your mental health. Over time, home architecture has evolved from being rigid and segmented with walls and doors setting each room apart from each other, to modern homes that tend to be more open and unrestricted. Research has found that open-plan living areas tend to be better for mental health, allowing the mind to create multiple perspectives on the surrounding environment and making socialisation easier. 

If you’re looking for a new home to buy or rent, you might be surprised to hear just how much of an effect the house you choose can have on your mental health and wellbeing.