Everything you need to know about Varicose Veins

Everything you need to know about Varicose Veins

For many people, varicose veins are often considered a cosmetic concern, but there are some severe cases of varicose veins that can result in persistent pain and discomfort. Fortunately, there are effective available treatments for varicose veins that can help manage varicose vein symptoms and restore the normal functioning of your valves. In this post, we will look at the possible treatments for varicose veins Bakersfield.


While varicose veins are very common on the legs, they can also appear on any other part of your body. Varicose veins appear as purple or blue veins that are enlarged or twisted. The following are some of the notable symptoms of varicose veins:

  1.     Muscle cramping, especially during the night
  2.     Swollen ankles or feet
  3.     Persistent itching sensation around the diseased veins
  4.     Increased leg pain after sitting or standing for extended periods
  5.     Aching or throbbing sensation in the lower legs
  6.     Changes in skin color around the damaged veins

What are the Leading Risk Factors of Varicose Veins?

As mentioned earlier, varicose veins are usually caused by damaged or diseased valves within your veins. Your valves are vital in ensuring blood circulates properly through your body organs. However, if they malfunction or become weak, blood will pool in the vein and cause it to twist, enlarge or stretch. This blood buildup often causes the vein walls to weaken, and eventually, blood leaks out into the surrounding skin. Below are some of the factors that potentially increase your risk of varicose veins:

  1. Sex. It has been reported that females are at an increased risk of developing varicose veins than males due to the increased production of female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen that weaken your vein walls.
  2. Age. Older patients are more likely to develop varicose veins than younger patients. This is because your valve tends to weaken with the natural wear and tear that can result in blood buildup and valve malfunction.
  3. Menopause. Varicose veins can also be triggered by the significant hormonal changes linked with menopause.
  4. Obesity. People who are overweight are at an increased risk of varicose veins.
  5. Pregnancy. The excessive blood amounts associated with pregnancy tend to enlarge the veins in your lower legs, thus, increasing your risk of varicose veins.
  6. Heredity. If your family or siblings have a medical history of varicose veins, you are at increased risk of developing this condition.
  7. Lifestyle. Activities such as standing or sitting for long periods can increase your risk of varicose veins.


Possible Treatments

If your healthcare provider has diagnosed you with varicose veins, below are some of the various treatments options that may be recommended:

  1.     Use of compression stocking or songs
  2.     Regular physical exercises
  3.     Sclerotherapy
  4.     Vein stripping. Where the enlarged veins are surgically removed
  5.     Laser therapy.
  6.     Radiotherapy.

Varicose veins are usually caused by diseased valves that lead to the abnormal flow of blood in your veins. If left untreated, varicose veins can trigger various life-threatening health conditions. Your valves have a vital role in ensuring blood circulates properly through your body organs. However, if they malfunction or become weak, blood will pool in the vein and cause it to twist, enlarge or stretch. This blood buildup often causes the vein walls to weaken and eventually, blood leaks out into the surrounding skin.