7 Signs You May Have Periodontal Disease

7 Signs You May Have Periodontal Disease

Also called gum disease and periodontitis, periodontal disease Campbell is the leading cause of tooth loss in the world among adults. This progressive condition results from irritation or inflammation of the gum tissue (gingiva) caused by the toxins found in plaque. The bacterial infection caused by plaque is called gingivitis and, if left untreated, can destroy the gums and underlying bone. Even worse, it can lead to tooth loss or loose teeth. Periodontal disease can progress without symptoms, making regular checkups with your dentist crucial. Still, when it does cause signs, here are seven you can expect.

1. Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a common sign of gum disease, especially when it refuses to go away with home remedies like brushing and flossing. It is usually caused by the bacteria and debris building up in your gum pockets from old food particles.2

2. Pain, Swelling, or Redness

Gums that swell, redden, or are painful to the touch for no apparent reason are signs of periodontal disease. The infection can travel to your bloodstream and other parts of your body if not caught early, so you should always discuss painful gums with your dentist.

3. Gum Recession

People with periodontal disease often look like they have longer teeth due to gum recession. The bacteria eat at your gums and jawbones, making your gums recede and your smile look toothy.

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4. Unexplained Bleeding

You may have a periodontal infection if you bleed unexpectedly when you eat food, floss, or brush your teeth. Plaque contains toxins which can make your gum tissue more sensitive and prone to bleeding.

5. Loose or Shifting Teeth

Loose or shifting teeth that cause a change in how your teeth fit together when you bite are a symptom of rapidly progressing gum disease. Advanced periodontitis damages the bone tissue supporting your gums and can lead to your teeth becoming loose or shifting along your jawline.

6. Pus

One of the telltale signs of gum disease is puss oozing from your gums and between your teeth. Your body produces pus when trying to ward off a bacterial infection, which can be very disturbing coming from your mouth.

7. Other Symptoms

Other symptoms of gum disease may include:

  • Changes in the fit of your dentures.
  • Changes in your bite
  • A bad taste in your mouth that does not go away
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Bleeding or tender gums

How Is Periodontal Disease Treated?

Periodontal disease is best addressed and treated by a board-certified periodontist. They will usually tailor your treatment to your symptoms, their severity, and your medical history. If your symptoms are not advanced, you may benefit from nonsurgical procedures like root planning and deep cleaning. More severe cases may require interventions like:

  • Guided tissue regeneration or bone grafting
  • Pinhole surgical technique (PST)
  • Laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP)

According to statistics, 80 percent of American adults will have periodontal disease by age 45, and most of them won’t even know. When periodontal disease goes untreated, it can wreak havoc on your oral health and even affect other parts of your body. The periodontists at Ueno Center Dental Specialists are dedicated to helping you maintain healthy gums. Contact their California office today to discuss your gum disease symptoms. You can even book an appointment online.

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