Month: February 2023

The Misinformation Affecting People Seeking Anti-aging and Hormone Treatment

The Misinformation Affecting People Seeking Anti-aging and Hormone Treatment

Even though aging is a natural process, most people worry about undergoing it due to age-related symptoms such as their skin sagging and hair turning gray. Since most people want to maintain a youthful appearance, they seek treatments. Even though there are various measures they 

4 Common Hair Loss Risk Factors

4 Common Hair Loss Risk Factors

Is your hair Insta-worthy? Your long and beautiful hair is a part of your personality. Unfortunately, hair doesn’t always stay intact. You may lose more strands, and while you want them to grow back fast, it doesn’t always happen. Your hair is a long chain 

Why Allergy Testing Is Important

Why Allergy Testing Is Important

Allergies are common, but the prevalence doesn’t take away from the fact that they can be overwhelming and even, at times, severe to the point of death. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, wheezing, coughing, runny nose, hives, rashes, scratchy throat, and itchy eyes. In serious cases, the symptoms can escalate to breathing difficulties, low blood pressure, and asthma attacks, which can be fatal. If you suspect you have it, Kingwood allergy testing is crucial since it lets you uncover a lot that can help avoid potential complications. Among the reasons emphasizing the need for allergy testing includes the following:

Know the allergen

The common allergens include:

  • Pollen mainly from grass and trees
  • Dust, including house dust mites
  • Animal dander, mostly from pets like cats and dogs
  • Foods, common including milk, eggs, and peanuts
  • Insect stings
  • Medication

Allergy testing helps you narrow down the primary allergen, making mitigating the risk of attacks easier. This is mainly through avoidance. For instance, if you are allergic to animal dander, you may have to give up your furry friend to avoid recurrent allergy symptoms. You could also be avoiding some foods, assuming they are the cause. This can lead to malnutrition, and deficiencies only worsen allergies. After testing, you will be better positioned to understand the foods you need to avoid or lower consumption, limiting the allergy risks while facilitating healthier nutrition.

Start treatment

While allergies are not curable, their symptoms can be managed. Besides avoidance, you can manage the symptoms through medication or immunotherapy. Treatments help avoid severe complications when an allergic attack happens. They can also help keep the attacks at bay. An allergy specialist can recommend measures such as improving indoor air quality, for example, by investing in a HEPA-rated air purifier. You could also be advised to stay indoors more during certain seasons or wear masks when stepping out since the allergens are in high concentration.

Immunotherapy can also help. This entails controlled exposure to allergens. The exposure allows your body to learn how to respond to allergens. The allergy specialist can help you manage the exposure and gradually help your body to react much better, alleviating the symptoms.

The treatment regimen can also include managing other conditions that worsen with an allergy attack or make the symptoms severe. For instance, you may need asthma medication to help control allergy symptoms. After testing, you will be more informed, making it easier to adopt a better regimen to avoid, manage, and treat allergy symptoms. This is important since, while avoidance is practical, it does not address allergic reactions.

If you suspect you are allergic, don’t wait, hoping the symptoms will subside. This is more so if the symptoms last longer than a week or are recurrent. Allergy testing is not overwhelming, and as you discover your exact allergies, you will have an easier time avoiding the allergens, minimizing the attacks, and, when it happens, have an easier time managing the symptoms. The specialist will help you develop a practical prevention plan, learn to anticipate allergy seasons, and offer specific treatments to manage the symptoms. Visit Supreme All Care today for allergy testing and treatment.

Tips to Deal with Shoulder Pain

Tips to Deal with Shoulder Pain

Although the shoulders carry the load on the arms and support the neck, it is prone to trauma as it is exposed and can be affected by health issues such as arthritis. Sometimes you would develop a frozen shoulder if you overuse the shoulder joint 

The Kinds Of Care Given At Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly

The Kinds Of Care Given At Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly

In the United States of America, a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) is a type of care facility that provides a home-like environment and personalized care to older adults who are no longer able to live independently at home. The goal of RCFEs 

5 Benefits of Seeing an OB-GYN

5 Benefits of Seeing an OB-GYN

Sometimes pregnancy can happen when we least expect it, and at times, we can plan for it. However, despite how you get pregnant, seeing a South Charleston board certified OB-GYN improves the chances of carrying a healthy pregnancy. Your OB-GYN guides you when you want to start a family, and you may discuss family planning and the wish to have a child. Before getting a child, they may recommend the right supplements to increase conception and guide you through the prenatal and postnatal periods. Here are reasons to see a board-certified OB-GYN.

They Improve Fertility

Some people are fertile naturally, while some might need assistance to get pregnant or carry the baby to term. Thus, you may see an OB-GYN to improve fertility, as they offer supplements that increase the chances of getting pregnant and getting a baby. They will recommend the right food to improve fertility and best practices, such as having intercourse during ovulation.

The OB-GYN may recommend hormonal treatments which deal with temporary infertility and treat issues such as uterine fibroids and blocked fallopian tubes. Sometimes permanent infertility can reduce the chances of getting pregnant, and the doctor will recommend remedies such as surrogacy or sperm and egg donations. Additionally, if you are healthy, they may recommend fertility tests on your sperm to determine if they have a high sperm count and viable sperm.

They Treat STDs

OB-GYN treats sexually transmitted diseases that affect your fertility. STDs can cause chronic pelvic pain and affect the bladder. The OB-GYN will guide you on preventing STDs, such as using protection when dating several or sticking with one partner. They may educate you on detecting early signs of STDs, making management and treatment easier.

They Advocate For Effective Family Planning

The OB-GYN advocates for family planning methods that work effectively for each patient. Although almost all family planning methods are effective, some might work more effectively than others. They will educate you on the side effects of family planning methods and recommend the right ones based on your health status.

They Care For Pregnant Women

The OB-GYN cares for pregnant women and educates them on proper nutrition, which improves the fetus’s health. They will recommend suitable exercises for pregnant women who keep their babies healthy. The OB-GYN will examine the baby’s and the mother’s health to ensure the fetus has normal development growth and meets the expected milestones at the right time. They may determine if the baby has hereditary issues which can affect their health once they are born.

They Offer Postnatal Care

Most women overlook the importance of postnatal care, but caring for mothers after they have babies is vital for their health. They will recommend the right supplements which improve healing after baby delivery and ensure the baby is healthy.

You should see an OB-GYN when planning to have a baby, as they care for the mother and baby during pregnancy. The OB-GYN can guide patients on the best ways to increase fertility, such as engaging in intercourse during ovulation, eating healthily, and treating infertility issues. They deal with STDs and teach patients about symptoms that indicate the presence of an STD. Additionally, they advocate for effective family planning care for mothers during the prenatal and postnatal periods.

When Should You Worry About a Mole?

When Should You Worry About a Mole?

Moles are very common. Your genetics usually determine whether or not you have moles, although exposure to tanning beds and the sun can be contributing factors. Sometimes, the appearance of your moles can change during pregnancy or puberty, which is perfectly normal. But there are 

Complications From High Cholesterol Levels

Complications From High Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in all cells of the body. It is used to make hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids. The liver makes most of the cholesterol in the body. When you have Boynton Beach high cholesterol, this can lead 

5 Non-surgical Treatments For Urinary Incontinence

5 Non-surgical Treatments For Urinary Incontinence

When you have urinary incontinence, it means you leak urine involuntarily. The condition is most prevalent in older people and women. A study by the American Urological Association established that urinary incontinence affects about 30% of women aged 30-60, compared to about 5% of men. Apart from age-related issues, your best Edinburg, TX obstetrics specialist also treats involuntary urine leakage due to disease, infections, or the use of particular medications, which cause the muscles in your bladder to become too weak or highly active.

Different types of urinary incontinence (UI) include stress UI and overflow UI. For instance, stress incontinence results from applying pressure or strain on your abdomen or bladder to cause a forceful escape of urine.

On the contrary, overflow incontinence is a type of urinary incontinence resulting from a bladder overflowing with urine. Depending on your type of UI, your health provider will recommend the right treatment plan to relieve your symptoms. Consequently, below are the non-surgical treatments or lifestyle changes that can assist in controlling your bladder problem.

1.Control the amount of liquid intake

If you have urinary incontinence, consult your doctor about the quantity of liquid you can take during the day. But, ensure that you do not reduce your intake of fluids so that you become dehydrated.

The volume of liquids you consume will depend on your general health, activities, and the weather in your location.

Also, you can reduce the number of trips to your bathroom at night by avoiding consuming liquids like water a few hours before sleeping.

2.Avoid sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary or inactive lifestyle is a lifestyle that involves a lot of lying down or sitting with less or no exercise.

Frequently performing exercises or engaging in physical activities is vital for maintaining a healthy weight and general well-being.

You can improve your health and control of your bladder by regularly swimming, cycling, running, dancing, and walking. While engaging in any of those physical activities, make sure there is a nearby restroom.

3.Maintain a healthy body weight

Maintaining healthy body weight is essential for avoiding urinary incontinence and other diseases like diabetes or stroke that can lead to the condition.

When you are obese or overweight, the excess weight in the abdominal area exerts pressure on the bladder, weakening or damaging muscles and structures. As a result, your bladder is highly likely to leak.

Achieve or maintain healthy body weight by remaining physically active, eating healthy diets, and staying sufficiently hydrated.

4.Bladder re-education

Bladder re-education involves training to urinate at specific times of the day without waiting until the bladder is full. You may go to the bathroom to urinate after 3 to 4 hours and with time, lengthen the hours it takes before you go to the bathroom.

Timed voiding can decrease the urge to urinate and prevent leakage even if your bladder is full.

5.Exercise your pelvic floor muscles

Pelvic floor muscles support the function of organs like your womb, bladder, and bowel. Making the muscles more robust can help improve sex and eliminate urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Performing kegel exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the pelvic floor and thus reduce urine leakage.

Contact Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley today for specialist treatment of urinary incontinence.

What is Pediatric Neurology?

What is Pediatric Neurology?

Pediatric neurology is a medical field that addresses a wide range of neurological problems in children. Advancements in the discipline can help manage or treat conditions such as ADHD, autism, epilepsy, or seizures. A thorough diagnosis is crucial to help your pediatric neurologist New York