Tell-Tale Indicators That You May Need Cataract Surgery

Tell-Tale Indicators That You May Need Cataract Surgery

The process of aging comes with unbearable changes to your life. For instance, cataracts are common eye concerns for people over 60 years. The condition can be annoying since it can cause vision difficulties if left untreated. As a result, many people are considering cataract 

7 Warning Signs of Ptosis To Watch Out For

7 Warning Signs of Ptosis To Watch Out For

With aging, everything droops to some extent. Your upper eyelids are not exempt. Upper eyelid drooping could be aesthetically bothersome to observe in the mirror, but as it progresses, it can become severe enough to compromise eyesight. Ptosis is the medical word for this eyelid 

7 Essential Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

7 Essential Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Maintaining the health of your eyes is vital for your overall well-being. It would help if you understood that vision loss could occur at any time, irrespective of age. Some lifestyle habits you adopt can increase the risk of developing eye complications that can interfere