Tag: cannabis

Why Are Patients Choosing Medical Marijuana Over Benzos?

Why Are Patients Choosing Medical Marijuana Over Benzos?

It all begins with a small problem in your life. And then the next thing you know is experiencing a panic attack or saying hello to clinical depression. This is the reality for most American people out there. We may be making the most out 

How CBD Oil Extracts Are Changing People’s Views On Cannabis

How CBD Oil Extracts Are Changing People’s Views On Cannabis

CBD is just about everywhere now. But it wasn’t always that way. Even though in general marijuana is more closely associated with hippies and a mellow time, it has a bad wrap. The misinformed aligning the happy herb with not so palatable characters. But marijuana 

Cannabis Consumption for Wellness

Cannabis Consumption for Wellness

Cannabis has entered the spotlight as a beneficial tool used by many to alleviate symptoms of disease, help with sleep issues, and aid in mitigating the side effects of commonly prescribed medications. With several states legalizing its use for adults along with the institution of medical programs, weed has never been more available to those who are seeking a safe alternative to the devastating effects of pharmaceuticals.

Side Effects of Living With Cancer

Consuming THC, an active ingredient in the marijuana plant, has been shown to significantly increase a cancer patient’s quality of life. Visit shops such as a marijuana dispensary chicago for quality medicine that will help with nausea caused by radiation treatments. Studies have confirmed that relief from stomach sickness and vomiting can be found when taking regular doses of weed. Not sure about the best method of ingestion? Check out this article for more info.

Sleep More Soundly

Sleep patterns can be interrupted by aches and pains or if a person has anxiety problems. Very rarely is insomnia present without agitators such as these. The cannabinoids THC and CBD help to ease the effects of irritating inflammation by limiting the number of immune cells dispatched to the site of discomfort. When there is an abundance of these cells concentrated in one area, soreness is the result. Reefer helps to soothe anxiety by acting in a similar manner to SSRI’s. By blocking the reabsorption of serotonin by the brain, it increases the availability of the serotonin in the synaptic space.

A Safer Alternative to Pills

Our culture of popping pills to solve medical problems has taken a dangerous turn of late. Opioids have been overprescribed and misused, leading to unnecessary deaths in the U.S. Opioid users have found that ganja can lower their daily dependence on opiates and some have even reported being able to stop using entirely. Getting off of a routine of prescription medicine greatly benefits liver function and gut health, plus enhances mental health.

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD is one of the many compounds which are known as cannabinoids. There are various medical uses for CBD that can help patients of anxiety, cancer, general chronic pain, etc. However, CBD isn’t strictly marijuana or cannabis as you know it. It’s a concentrated liquid 

Vapes for Cannabis & CBD

Vapes for Cannabis & CBD

In the cannabis industry, there are many new products that are consistently coming out. Although vaporizers are not new in the grand scheme of things, new aged vape pens are improved and updated. Vaping goes back to thousands of years ago when people would heat 

How CBD Oil Can Help You Combat Anxiety

How CBD Oil Can Help You Combat Anxiety

The statistics on cannabis look good for American consumers so far. Medical marijuana is now legal in 32 states, and a resounding majority of Americans favor its legalization. Moreover, marijuana has outgrown its default association of being a recreational drug. From exclusive awareness about the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the herb’s signature “high,” more people have learned about cannabidiol (CBD), another naturally occurring compound in marijuana that has been explored for its pain-relieving properties and therapeutic benefits.

CBD, in particular, has earned much attention over the years. Studies have been done to investigate how the substance helps address physical and psychological concerns, including anxiety. In fact, many people are actively using CBD oil to manage anxiety issues, finding it a valuable addition to their holistic treatment of the condition. But does it really work for this purpose? And if it does, how can CBD improve the condition of those who suffer from anxiety?

Anxiety and Its Common Symptoms

According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety “is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.” Clinically diagnosed anxiety disorders are characterized by recurrent intrusive thoughts or concerns, habitual avoidance of situations like socializing in a large group, and physical symptoms such as dizziness, rapid heartbeat, trembling, and panic attacks.

Thus, anxiety becomes a problem when it’s difficult for one to overcome persistent worry and restlessness by themselves. If ignored, the symptoms of anxiety can get in the way of daily tasks like speaking in public, making complex decisions, or approaching other people.

In current times, the treatment of anxiety has centered on medication, therapy, or a mix of both. It’s also recommended that those afflicted with anxiety explore holistic changes to their lifestyle, such as following a healthier diet, getting more exercise, and meditating. This is where CBD oil enters the equation. The oil hasn’t been proclaimed a miracle cure for anxiety, but consumers who have tried it have noted a decrease in their anxiety symptoms, improvements in mood and concentration, and an easier time relaxing.

How CBD Oil Works to Address the Symptoms of Anxiety

Cannabis was first documented to have been used for anxiety relief in 15th century India. Since then, scientists have put the plant under much scrutiny. Much of the research done on marijuana is anchored on its potential to treat disorders related to anxiety, which include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and panic disorder.

A number of the research done on cannabis centers on the plant’s non-psychoactive component, CBD. This compound, much like the other cannabinoids found in marijuana, affects the human body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating body functions such as mood, memory, and pain reception.

CBD’s interaction with the endocannabinoid system may be a key that can help people with anxiety manage their condition. A 2014 study conducted at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil found that CBD, at high concentrations, activates the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) in animal models. The said receptor is linked with anxiety, pain perception, addiction, sleep, and various other biological and neurological processes.

Another study, conducted in 2010 and published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, linked CBD to the reduction of anxiety in those suffering from social anxiety disorder, attributing the improvement observed on human and animal studies to the chemical compound’s effects on the limbic and paralimbic brain areas. There’s also a 2015 preliminary study released in Neurotherapeutics that focus on CBD as a potential treatment to anxiety disorders. This study surveyed the preclinical evidence that CBD can help mitigate anxiety when administered acutely. It also noted that CBD has the advantage of not being anxiogenic (or anxiety-causing) at higher dosages. 

There is still much research to be done to truly understand the mechanism of how this cannabinoid affects the body. However, there’s increasing evidence about the viability of CBD oil in the treatment of anxiety symptoms and in the management of anxiety-related disorders.

Including CBD Oil in a Holistic Anxiety Treatment Regimen

CBD now enjoys a market that includes pure CBD oil, hemp oil, capsules, and edibles like gummies. There are different ways to incorporate CBD oil into a lifestyle that upholds better health and wellness, therefore easing anxiety out of the picture.

For additional safety, contact the pros about your consumption of CBD oil. Get yourself cleared to do so by your doctor, especially if you have other outstanding medical conditions. Only source CBD oil from a reputable supplier, and don’t hesitate to ask about the different varieties they can recommend for anxiety or another condition like chronic pain.

In sum, CBD can truly be on your side in your fight against anxiety. While it’s not a cure-all, it can be a game-changing component in a holistic and balanced regimen for recovery.

Making the Right Choice: Does Cannabis Consumption Affect Your Hormone Levels?

Making the Right Choice: Does Cannabis Consumption Affect Your Hormone Levels?

People consume their cannabis in many ways, and they have been doing so for eons. For ages, they have enjoyed its multiple recreational and medical benefits. But, cannabis has only recently come under serious research and scrutiny. Cannabis remains under an unjustified stigma, a cloud 

How to Always Get the Best Quality Marijuana from a Dispensary

How to Always Get the Best Quality Marijuana from a Dispensary

Buying cannabis from a dispensary is not any different from a regular visit to your local grocery store. A well-supplied shop should have a plethora of choice and it is in your best interest, as a customer, to always get the finest product on the