Tag: women’s health

DHA pregnant or is it worth to supplement?

DHA pregnant or is it worth to supplement?

DHA, an essential nutrient, will improve the health of your unborn baby! Fish oil and walnuts provide the essential fatty acid that can help the child’s normal brain and vision development. What is DHA There is nothing suspicious about DHA (or docosahexaenoic acid), the omega-3 

Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself

Ways To Take Better Care Of Yourself

Taking care of yourself isn’t necessarily difficult, but it does take extra effort on your part. It’s important to put yourself and self-care first if you want to live a healthier lifestyle and experience more satisfaction overall. The following ideas should hopefully re-energize you and 

Things to Consider Before Getting Plastic Surgery

Things to Consider Before Getting Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery procedures are more popular than ever. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Americans spent more than $16.5 billion on plastic surgery procedures in 2018. Many people opt for anti-aging procedures such as eyelifts, facelifts, and hair transplants. Also quite popular are body-sculpting procedures such as breast augmentation surgery, tummy tucks, butt lifts, and butt implants. Still, others look to cosmetic plastic surgery to enhance or alter their facial appearance with procedures such as lip augmentation, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), dermabrasion, and forehead lifts.

If you are considering plastic surgery it is important to remember that although it is an optional procedure, like any type of surgery it comes with some risks. It is important that you are well informed before you undergo any type of plastic surgery. Read on for some important things you should consider before making the decision to undergo a plastic surgery procedure.

Consider Your Health

It might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but your overall health is one of the most important things to consider before making an appointment with a plastic surgeon. While most people are good candidates for plastic surgery, it is essential that you let your plastic surgeon know about any health issues you are experiencing as well as any medications you are taking. You should also you provide him or her with your entire medical history.

It is also a good idea to pay a visit to your regular doctor to get an overall checkup before you opt for a plastic surgery procedure. If he or she gives you the green light, then you are good to go. If not, you might be able to work with your doctor to create a plan to improve your health enough to make plastic surgery possible for you.

Know What the Procedure You Are Getting Entails and What the Results Will Be

Before your procedure, your plastic surgeon should sit down with you to discuss exactly what the procedure you are opting for entails, what the estimated recovery time will be, and whether it will achieve the desired results. You should be well informed about what types of tasks you will be able to do or should avoid, during your recovery period. You should also find whether, and how long, you will have to stay home from work so you can plan ahead and reassign any important tasks to someone else temporarily.

According to the Widder Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center, considered to be one of the best plastic surgeons in Virginia, it is important to very clear with your plastic surgeon about the results you are looking for. “The ultimate decision is with the patient. We can’t impose our own aesthetic opinion on them. We specialize in butt implants, so we often have a discussion about what size they would like to be. We usually try to reference people in Hollywood who everybody knows. ‘Do you want to be like her, or do you want to be like her? Do you want to be something in the middle? Bigger?’ And it’s kind of negotiation. We have had patients who were a little shy and decided on a certain size and then regretted it. Interestingly enough, we have never had a patient complain about their butt implant being too big. If they complain, it’s always about the implant being too small after they decided on the size.”

Consider the Expense of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery procedures are not generally covered by medical insurance and, depending on the procedure, can be expensive, costing anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Be sure you know what your plastic surgery procedure will cost up front. You should also make sure to factor in costs related to the surgery such as taking time off of work.

Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon

Choosing the right plastic surgeon to perform your procedure is important. He or she should be someone you feel comfortable talking to and sharing your desired results, medical history and feelings with. Look for a surgeon who specializes in the procedure you would like to have done and ask him or her to show you before and after photographs of past patients. It’s also OK for you to ask a surgeon for references. Past patients are one of the best sources of information on what working with a particular surgeon is like. You should also read online reviews for any doctor you are considering for a plastic surgery procedure.

Time to Start a New Family: 5 Ways to Maximize the Chances of Getting Pregnant

Time to Start a New Family: 5 Ways to Maximize the Chances of Getting Pregnant

Planning a new baby in your family should be an exciting, fun time. But for many people, getting pregnant can be difficult and stressful. When you want a baby so badly that it’s all you think about, this fun time often turns to a time 

Planning for a New Baby

Planning for a New Baby

If you’re pregnant or just considering a baby, it’s never too soon to start planning. Focusing on your health will ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Whether it’s your first, second, or third baby, planning early for your pregnancy is essential for the 

5 Important Things to Know about Female Incontinence

5 Important Things to Know about Female Incontinence

Female urinary incontinence is a problem that often goes undiagnosed, which leads to fewer people being treated and living more normal lives. There are many reasons a woman might develop urinary incontinence at some point in her life, including pregnancy and older age. Regardless, women experiencing bladder leaks should seek help from a medical professional to try and find the source of the problem and treat it. In the meantime, there are a few important things you should know about female incontinence.

1. Don’t Give Up

Urinary incontinence is treatable and in some cases, curable. It’s important not to get overwhelmed or discouraged! There are many incontinence products for women out there, in addition to medical procedures that can give you relief from your symptoms.

2. Exercises Can Help

You’ve heard it said over and over, but pelvic floor strengthening exercises can be beneficial for many reasons, especially with stress incontinence. If you’ve ever delivered a child vaginally, the possibility of weakened pelvic floor muscles increases, which can make it more difficult to control bladder leaks. Daily exercises can help to build these muscles back up and reduce accidents.

3. Keep a Diary

If you haven’t been formally diagnosed by a medical professional, it’s a good idea to keep a diary or journal of how much you drink, and how often you urinate. This helps doctors get an idea of how severe the symptoms are, and if there might be an underlying cause. Even if you’re already visited a healthcare professional, keeping a diary will help them (and you) track changes over time and notice things that help or hinder your treatment.

4. Eat and Drink Smart

Some foods and drinks can actually make female incontinence worse. Experts say avoiding alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, chocolate, artificial sweeteners and acidic foods can help with female incontinence. These foods and drinks act as diuretics and may increase your urgency to go. That’s not to say you have to give up chocolate forever, but if you notice these foods or drinks make it worse for you, it might be a good idea to reduce your intake.

5. Find the right products for you

Studies show that most people who use incontinence products use the wrong kind. Many women are using lower-absorbency products, when they should be using much higher absorbency bladder pads and pull-ups. If you need help deciding which kind or brand of incontinence products for women would be best for you, feel free to reach out to us.