Month: December 2022

The 5 fascinating Emsculpt Benefits You Should Know

The 5 fascinating Emsculpt Benefits You Should Know

Everyone wants to look and feel younger, no matter their age. Nothing can stop you from achieving your aesthetic goals thanks to medical and technological advancements. The cosmetic dermatology Forest Hills specialists offer top-notch treatments like Emsculpt to help fight aging signs. The treatment is 

4 Ways to Ensure a Speedy Recovery After Tooth Extractions

4 Ways to Ensure a Speedy Recovery After Tooth Extractions

According to the American Dental Association, adults and teens may remove wisdom teeth because of complications resulting in pain, repeated infections of soft tissues, or the formation of fluid-filled sacs. Your dentist may also recommend tooth extractions if there is overcrowding, damage to the tooth 

Ways to Treat Meniscus Tears

Ways to Treat Meniscus Tears

The meniscus is the cartilage that sits inside your knee between the thighbone and shinbone. They act like shock absorbers for your knee and cushion knee bones and joints. A meniscus tear can be caused by sudden twisting of your knee or arthritis. They are common knee injuries and mostly affect athletes. At the time of injury, a meniscus tear usually feels like something has popped into your knee. You may also experience knee pain or stiffness and be unable to bend or straighten your leg fully. The Spine Center Atlanta treats your meniscus tear depending on your symptoms and the size of your tear. There are many treatments for meniscus tears, including.

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE)

RICE regime helps to treat various symptoms of a meniscus tear. Resting help reduce pain. your doctor may recommend using a cane for a few weeks to keep weight off your knee. During the first days after tearing your meniscus tear, applying ice around the injury and elevating your knee can help reduce swelling. Wearing a compression bandage can also help reduce swelling.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can help minimize inflammation and pain resulting from a meniscus tear. Acetaminophen helps reduce pain but not inflammation.

Physical therapy

After joint inflammation has subsided and you can walk without much pain, your doctor can recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy restores knee strength and flexibility. Stretching your knee and leg can help restore the full range of motion to your knee. Low-impact exercises like stationary biking can help reduce pain, improve mobility and restore function to the region around your meniscus tear. Small meniscus tears require about four to eight weeks of physical therapy while severe ones need eight weeks or longer.

Corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroid injections can help ease knee pain. They are injected directly into your knee to help reduce swelling and discomfort. Your provider may combine corticosteroids with a small amount of anesthetic to help relieve pain immediately but it can resume after a few hours. Doctors use corticosteroid injections for a short period because long-term use can weaken the soft tissue in your knee and cartilage deterioration. Corticosteroids can also increase blood sugar levels, hence not suitable for patients with diabetes or other metabolic issues.

Meniscus tear surgery

Partial meniscectomy

Partial meniscectomy is the most common type of surgery for a torn meniscus. This procedure involves your surgeon trimming off the torn part of the meniscus, leaving behind as many meniscus tissues as possible.

Meniscus repair

Depending on the type and condition of your meniscus, your surgeon can stitch back the torn part of your meniscus. Surgeons mostly use meniscus repair in younger patients because the tissues require time to heal back together. The recovery period for a meniscus tear takes longer than that of a partial meniscectomy. After meniscus repair surgery, you can be on crutches for about two weeks and in a brace for six weeks.

A meniscus tear can result from sudden knee twisting or weakening of knee cartilage due to arthritis. Rest, ice, compression, elevation, medications, physical therapy, corticosteroid injections, and surgery can treat meniscus tears. Schedule an appointment at Spine Center Atlanta for meniscus tear treatment to relieve your knee pain.

5 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

5 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair may be uncomfortable, humiliating, and annoying. Sadly, traditional hair removal methods are costly and frequently inefficient. Fortunately, laser hair removal Westport can effectively remove unwanted hair and improve your confidence. While the laser hair removal procedure does not totally remove hair, it does 

Peripheral Nerve Surgery: What Is It and Why It Is Important

Peripheral Nerve Surgery: What Is It and Why It Is Important

Peripheral nerve surgery is a type of surgery used to treat disorders of the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord with peripheral organs, such as the heart and lungs. Peripheral nerves are the most common type of nerve fiber in your body, and 

Common Asked Questions About Apical Surgery

Common Asked Questions About Apical Surgery

Tooth pains can sometimes be unbearable, causing a lack of sleep and problems chewing. Even though there can be different causes of pain, some can be caused by problems connected to the root canal. If not treated on time, it might lead to loss of teeth. Since the condition is usually uncomfortable, most people seek treatment. The common treatment is Apical Surgery Georgetown because it permanently eliminates pain without extracting the teeth. Below are various questions people often ask about apical surgery.

Is apical surgery painful?

Apical surgery is a minor surgery performed by a dentist with very little discomfort. The dentist might use a local anesthetic for the procedure to be more comfortable. It is normal to experience minor bleeding as the gums are strictly cut. The bleeding goes away after one to two hours. The procedure only lasts for a short time, as one can drive back comfortably after the service.

What is the risk of the surgery?

Different surgeries carry certain risks with them. Many people are usually worried about the risks associated with the surgery. The main risk arises when the tooth condition is worse and needs extraction. However, apical surgery is successful, and your teeth will be in good condition for a long time. The dentist uses the right procedure to ensure the teeth’ condition is restored.

How do I know the surgery will be successful?

A dentist will recommend apical surgery to treat your condition. The dentist’s procedure is to restore the permanent natural outlook of your teeth. The dentist will discuss the procedure’s success with the patient depending on the teeth’ condition. The main aim of the surgery is to treat completely and give the patient a natural tooth and beautiful teeth appearance.

Are there alternatives to apical surgery?

There are other alternatives for treating tooth injuries. The dentist might decide to extract your teeth and replace them with an implant. The use of bridges may also be used. However, apical surgery is better for natural teeth, enhancing and maintaining good oral health. Saving your teeth is effective in the future as one can maintain natural teeth.

When do I return to my normal activities?

One of the most worrying issues with people is anything prohibiting their normal activities. Everyone needs to resume back to their normal activities for survival. Apical surgery does not last for long. People can resume their normal routines as soon as possible, as the procedure cannot make them bedridden. Your dentist will discuss the best time to return to normal activities after the surgery.

Would you like to retain your normal teeth appearance? If you have any injuries or swelling causing pain in the root canal, Apical surgery will give you the best solution for treating teeth injuries. Visit RR Dentistry in Georgetown, Texas, for their remarkable services. At the facility, Dr. Cory Roaches offers comprehensive treatment for your problems. Visit them and be part of the success story. Call the offices online to schedule an appointment.

Four Reasons Why Physical Exam Is Important

Four Reasons Why Physical Exam Is Important

Your body is prone to various challenges, some visible while others are invisible. Your body requires regular check-ups to troubleshoot any underlying problem that might be invisible. Your doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination that helps identify any conditions available to help manage and treat 

Top 6 Effective Tips for Dealing with Eczema

Top 6 Effective Tips for Dealing with Eczema

Eczema is common and affects millions of people of any age. The general skin irritation, redness, or itchiness could be caused by eczema and can interfere with your quality of life. Fortunately, eczema & rashes Santa Barbara can be managed by a specialist. Medical experts 

What is the Importance of Botox Injections?

What is the Importance of Botox Injections?

Botox is the name given to botulinum toxin, a concoction that comes from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is most commonly used in treating wrinkles, as it interferes with the transmission of signals to muscles, which causes them to relax and cease their movements. The result is a smoothing of wrinkles on the skin. Rockville Centre Botox can also be used for some non-cosmetic applications, such as treating muscle spasms or stiffness caused by cerebral palsy or other neurological disorders in children.

How is botox treatment performed?

Botox can be injected into specific areas of the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Botox injections are done with a very fine needle, similar to those used for other injectable fillers like Juvederm or Restylane. This makes them virtually painless and very safe. The effects can last from 3 to 9 months, with most people experiencing a benefit of about four months.

Botox produces varying degrees of results in different people. Some people only see mild improvement in their wrinkle lines, while others find that their skin looks noticeably smoother. Results are usually more noticeable after repeated treatments, although some people will see significant results after just one treatment. There are few side effects associated with Botox injections, including flu-like symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, and more.

What are the benefits of botox treatment?

  1. Eliminates wrinkles

Botox is a cosmetic treatment that uses injections to smooth out and relax facial wrinkles. It is not focused on a single wrinkle but rather on the underlying muscle that causes that wrinkle to form.

  1. Treats neck spasms

Botox is often used to treat neck spasms from injuries or chronic conditions such as cervical myelopathy, which can cause pain and muscle spasms in the neck. The drug helps relax muscles that have become overly active, allowing people to find relief from their symptoms.

  1. Reduces headaches

When muscles in the head and neck become tense, they can pressure nerves in the area and cause headaches. Botox treatments can relax those muscles and reduce pressure on the nerves, helping patients avoid future headaches.

  1. Improves appearance

In addition to treating headaches, Botox is also used for cosmetic purposes. The injections can diminish wrinkles on the face by reducing muscle activity, which happens most frequently around the forehead, between the brows, and around the eyes. It has also been known to reduce excessive sweating on the face.

  1. Treat excessive sweating

Botox treatment can help treat excessive sweating in several ways. One is by blocking sweat glands around the armpits, preventing them from releasing sweat by blocking sweat glands within the hands and feet, and even by triggering sweating to occur at less-intense levels than normal. The result is that patients can sweat at a more moderate level, reducing overall sweating in these areas.

While Botox injections can be used to treat various conditions, most people opt for Botox injections since they can help turn back time on the process of aging. As your skin ages, it loses elasticity and starts to sag and wrinkle. This process can lead to an overall aged appearance, which may not be for everyone. Because botox helps reduce wrinkles, it can be an excellent option for people who want to reduce their signs of aging without resorting to facelift surgery or another invasive procedure that could be more expensive and potentially risky. Contact South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine professionals if you want to try Botox injections.

Treatment Options for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Treatment Options for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Did you know that peripheral arterial disease affects about 14 % of the world’s population? The peripheral arterial disease occurs when blood is restricted in your leg arteries, leading to insufficient nutrients and oxygen. The disease develops gradually, and when not treated, it may lead