Month: June 2019

Interesting facts about the benefits of reading

Interesting facts about the benefits of reading

The world is divided into people who love to read and those who do not understand why to spend time reading books because there is so much interesting going on around. If the same question sometimes arises in your head, then this article can become 

5 Ways to Help Students with Depression

5 Ways to Help Students with Depression

Depression is a serious illness that affects all of us regardless of age. You can encounter depressed individuals almost anywhere, and it’s a given that it’s present even in classrooms. Of course, just because we see depression in various places doesn’t mean we know how 

How Stem Cells Could Change the Future of Healthcare

How Stem Cells Could Change the Future of Healthcare

A time traveler from the 1800s would be astounded by medicine today. Diseases that were incurable back then are no longer a threat; some things believed to be best practices then are now understood to be terribly dangerous.

Medicine has come a long way, but people shouldn’t look down too much on the medical experts of years gone by. After all, our own era will no doubt look positively backwards someday. In the future, we may well cure cancer and conquer AIDS. We may be able to grow large amounts of stem cells in labs and resolve disabilities.

We don’t yet know what is possible or what these advances will look like, but we do have a sense of where they may come from. And the most promising area in medical research right now is stem cell research. Read on for more details.

What is a stem cell?

First things first: what are we talking about here? Well, you probably already know that our entire bodies are made up of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of life, and all living things have them (besides viruses, which are in some ways “alive” and in other ways not). Human beings, trees, jellyfish, and amoebas are all made up of one or more cells

Cells reproduce by dividing, which is how we grow; they eventually die, which is a big part of why we don’t live forever. But while most cells can only create more cells of the same exact type, stem cells are an exception. A stem cell can create another stem cell, but it can also branch off and create other things: a blood cell, for instance, or a nerve cell.

Embryos contain stem cells, which makes sense (where else would all of our cells come from?), but so do adults. Everyone has stem cells in their bone marrow, for instance, so that they can keep creating new blood cells. There are differences between the types of stem cells, but we’re still learning more about how they all work.

What we do know, explain the experts at NAD Stem Cell, is that their applications in medicine seem nearly endless. If a stem cell can become anything, might that mean that we can replace unhealthy cells with healthy ones? Could we add stem cells to match blood cell deficiencies and fight diseases?

Might we be able to grow specific types of cells, or even create large amounts of tissues for grafts and replacements of unhealthy tissues? Could we create tissues that we can use to safely test new treatments on, sparing patients dangerous trials and accelerating the research that could one day cure cancer or AIDS?

The answer is that some of this is possible, some of this might be possible, and some of this is already happening.

The future of stem cells

Today, stem cell therapy involves injecting patients with stem cells. It is used to treat a variety of diseases, but this is not the only way we’ll ever use stem cells. We’re likely to discover a whole lot more.

To do that, we need to keep researching. That’s why it is so important to keep supporting stem cell research. Those who oppose stem cell research often root their positions in misunderstandings and outright fictions. Researchers carefully consider the ethics of stem cell research, and modern techniques are allowing scientists to do things like, for instance, making adult stem cells act more like embryonic ones.

The reality is that stem cells already save lives, and that further research could bring us to a brighter medical future — one that, perhaps, would be as dazzling to us as our own current health care procedures would be to a doctor from 200 years ago.

3 Tips to Reduce the Risks of Cancer

3 Tips to Reduce the Risks of Cancer

Have you read conflicting information related to cancer prevention? A couple of times, a particular tip to prevent the ailment suggested in a study is not recommended in a different report. These reports associated with cancer prevention and treatment varies depending on the type of 

Hot Summer Tips for Watering the Garden

Hot Summer Tips for Watering the Garden

This summer is going to be hot, and you don’t want to scorch your plants.  Here are some tips for watering your plants during the hottest times of the year, so that they stay alive, and don’t end up dying. Water Seldom but Thoroughly It 

Using Key Communication Skills To Manage Stress

Using Key Communication Skills To Manage Stress

Stress is something that happens to almost every person from time to time. It is the body’s reaction to something that happened or is happening. Your body reacts to the situation and it causes physical, mental, or emotional strain.

Stress is very common and doesn’t have to be a negative thing. In fact, stress is one way the body helps us avoid danger. It can also lead to increased productivity and motivation. Even positive life changes like a promotion, marriage, or a new baby can cause stress in a person’s life. 

While there are a few benefits to stress, chronic or severe stress is a different story. For some, anticipating a difficult event can cause stress and anxiety. Those who live with chronic stress can feel like it is dogging them every moment or through every decision.visit here 

This type of stress and anxiety is not beneficial and can cause serious physical, mental, or emotional issues. 

Learning how to manage stress in a healthy way is one of the best ways to combat long-term stress. Here we will discuss the effects of stress, how it can affect communication, and best methods to overcome stress. 


Effects of Stress

Effects of Stress

When your body responds to stress a number of things can happen. Your heart rate might increase, your blood pressure may rise, your breathing can quicken, and your muscles often tighten. This is called a “flight or fight” reaction. Your body is getting ready to act quickly if necessary. 

Stress can cause symptoms that traverse a person’s entire body. If it is severe or chronic, It can cause physical, emotional, or mental issues

Physical Symptoms of Stress

When stressed, the body responds in a number of ways. Some of the symptoms include: 

  • Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, nausea 
  • Muscle aches, pains, tension
  • Insomnia or other sleep issues
  • Loss of Energy
  • Headaches
  • Nervousness or shaking
  • Lowered immune system
  • Dry mouth
  • A clenched jaw or grinding teeth
  • Hyperventilation
  • Sweating

Prolonged stress can also cause heart disease, high blood pressure, or irregular heart rhythms. Stress can lead to heart attacks or strokes, and it can contribute to panic attacks which can feel like a heart attack

Long-term stress can also lead to obesity, eating disorders, menstrual irregularities, and respiratory infections. 

Stress can develop into skin issues like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and hair loss. 

Your digestive system can also be affected and can cause irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, or gastroesophageal reflux disease.  

Emotional and Mental Symptoms of Stress

Stress not only affects your physical body, but it can also affect your emotional and mental state. 

Here are some common ways that a person may experience an emotional toll from stress:

  • Moodiness or irritability 
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Avoiding other people
  • Feeling overwhelmed 
  • Excessive worry

Prolonged stress can have severely damaging effects on a person’s mental and emotional health. 

The field of study called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) researches the correlation between a body’s immune system and its nervous system. According to, “PNI research suggests that chronic stress can lead to or exacerbate mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, cognitive (thinking) problems, personality changes, and problem behaviors.”

How Does Stress Affect Communication?

How Does Stress Affect Communication

Another way that stress manifests is through communication. 

People who are feeling stressed out may become easily frustrated or angry. This can have a negative effect on your communication skills. A person in a heightened sense of emotion can have trouble choosing their words carefully or expressing things in an appropriate way. 

Stress can also cause a person to pull away from people. They may want to draw within themselves and isolate themselves from loved ones. When this happens, communication is impaired and they’re not able to receive proper support and care from their community. 

When a person is feeling stressed it’s easy for them to misunderstand another person’s intentions or what they are trying to communicate. 

Another way that stress can affect communication is in public speaking. For some, the anxiety caused by public speaking will prohibit them from getting up in front of a crowd. It can trigger the flight or fight response connected and cause them to avoid the situation. 

How to Manage Stress

Stress can be damaging to many people in many different ways, but it can also be managed. Here are some helpful ways to manage your stress. 

Identifying Causes of Stress

One of the first steps to overcoming stress is identifying where the stress is coming from. At times you may not even know what is causing you to feel stressed. You may be experiencing high levels of stress without knowing the root cause. 

Another phrase for this is “stress triggers.” Not everyone is stressed by the same thing. One person may be stressed by work or academics while another is uncomfortable in social situations. Everyone has something different that can trigger their stress response. 

Once you can identify your triggers, you can begin managing your stress levels and come up with a comprehensive plan to combat it. 

Increase Communication With Those Around You

Often our stress levels get out of hand when we’re doing a poor job communicating with others. 

There are times in our lives when no one is able to help us with our stress load. Still, there are other times we could reduce our stress through communication. Here are four ways you can use communication to lower your stress. 

Communicate in Work and Academics

Communicate in Work and Academics

Work is a major area that people stress over. When a job is new, you can expect that your stress levels will be higher as you learn how to accomplish new tasks. However, if you’ve been working at a job for a long time and your boss has unrealistic expectations, it may be time to have a conversation. Communication is integral to a healthy work environment

While it’s not always possible to have a communicative relationship with a boss, it’s better to try than to suffer under enormous stress. Your boss may not lessen your load, but they may have creative solutions to help you succeed. 

The same is true for academics. If the material you’re covering is too difficult, reach out to your professor. They will see that you’re genuinely making an effort and they may be able to find you a tutor or offer help during office hours. 

Communicate in Your Relationships

Another common source of stress is relationships with others. Social support is important and relationships are fundamental to a person’s wellbeing. However, when tensions are high with a spouse, roommate, family member, or close friend, our stress levels can be through the roof. 

One way to avoid stressful relationships is to communicate early. Instead of waiting until you reach a boiling point, let your friend, spouse, or loved one know when something frustrates you. By expressing frustration or disappointment gently, you can de-escalate potentially stressful situations. 

Likewise, we should be willing to listen when a loved one expresses their feelings. Let them explain how things affect them and try not to interrupt or 

Talk to Friends, Families, and Loved Ones About Your Stress

Finally, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed in life, reach out to someone. Talk to someone about the things that are causing you stress and about the emotions that you’re having. 

If you’re experiencing chronic stress, you may want to reach out with a professional therapist to help you manage your stress. In fact, according to a study conducted by UCLA, talking about your emotions can lessen the intensity of sadness, anger, and pain. 

Matthew D. Lieberman, lead author of the study explains, “In the same way you hit the brake when you’re driving when you see a yellow light, when you put feelings into words, you seem to be hitting the brakes on your emotional responses…Putting our feelings into words helps us heal better. If a friend is sad and we can get them to talk about it, that probably will make them feel better.”

Additional Ways to Reduce Stress

If you’re dealing with stress there are a lot of other proven methods to help lower your stress levels.  

One significant way to reduce stress is to exercise. The American Heart Association writes, “Regular physical activity can improve quality of life and relieve stress, tension, anxiety, and depression. You may notice a “feel good” sensation immediately following your workout and also see an improvement in overall well-being over time as physical activity becomes a regular part of your life.”

Eating healthy is also known to help relieve stress. Caffeinated beverages can have a negative effect on your body and increase stress when consumed in large quantities. The same can be said for overindulgence of alcohol, sugar, salt, and nicotine. 

Things that help reduce stress are foods with vitamin B, vitamin C, and Magnesium. These nutrients can help your body gain energy and strength when you’re experiencing stress. 

Other things that can help is getting enough sleep, meditating, praying, and doing relaxing things like taking a warm bath or getting a massage. Enjoying hobbies or recreational fun is another way to greatly reduce stress.

Manage Your Stress in Healthy Ways

Stress is a natural part of life but it doesn’t have to consume it. If you’re feeling stressed every day, start by making simple changes that can help give you relief.

Take some time to relax, talk with some friends, and remember to communicate your feelings. These small changes can be the beginning of real change and help free you from being the weight of stress. 

Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques

There are a lot of factors that affect your health negatively. The psychological ones are as important as the physical ones. You should definitely not ignore the presence of stress in your life. The chronic anxiety and the inability to relax may lead to heart 

Explore the most amazing natural wonders of New Zealand

Explore the most amazing natural wonders of New Zealand

There isn’t a single another country on the whole planet that can top up the mesmerizing New Zealand’s nature. This captivating country is home to surreal beauty, strenuous mountains, coastal glaciers, sparking covers, jaw-dropping fjords, rainforests, and untamed flora and fauna. The unique geographically diverse 

What Impact Does Recycling Have on the Environment?

What Impact Does Recycling Have on the Environment?

You’ve probably been told about recycling for years now. Everywhere you go, you are told to either recycle your bottles, plastic bags, or even some metals or wooden items. But why?

The truth is, over the past century, the world has changed. We’ve taken out many natural resources that were keeping this planet together.

Now we have to fight global warming, desertification and even the extinction of various animals. And since we can not undo what we have done, recycling has opened up a pathway to ensure that we do not continue with that trend.

So, you must be wondering what impact does recycling have on the environment? Well, below are five implications that recycling has on the environment.

1.     Conserves Natural resources.

Natural resources such as wood, metal, glass, and even water, stand to benefit a lot if they are recycled. When a paper is recycled, there will be less need for trees to be cut down, and thus the forests will be saved.

Also, by recycling plastic bags and bottles or even converting them into useful products, plants and animals won’t have to risk suffocation, and thus the environment is improved. It will also result in less pollution of the soil and air if burned.

Even the recycling of water on both industrial and domestic levels ensures that the resultant water emitted after use is free from toxic wastes that end up in the sea and kill marine animals and plants.

2.     Decreases pollution

Industries are known to produce very toxic by-products. Since the wastes are gaseous, they are responsible for most of the air pollution we experience today.

Therefore, if these industries decide to recycle their by-products, they can produce clean gases and thus help cut down on the greenhouse gases emission. They also stand to increase their earnings from the new by-products of their waste.

In homes, instead of disposing of your used cooking oils in the sewer pipes, you can give them to used oil collection firms such as MBP.

These companies will recycle this oil and convert it biodiesel, which is a clean source of energy. Biodiesel can be used by vehicles and machines to reduce air pollution.

3.     Saves energy

For manufacturing industries, a lot of energy is used in creating a product from its raw materials. However, by recycling some of the by-products, the energy consumed to create the product will significantly reduce.

When making paper, using recycled paper uses almost half of the energy used to create the paper from scratch. Therefore, by recycling, you will be able to save more power, more time, and even save on the resources you would have used.

Therefore, if the energy used reduces, the cost of the product will also decrease. This means that the cost of products will reduce and hence cut down on the budget for our monthly bills.

4.     Reduction in Landfill waste

Whenever we dump our waste in landfills, the environment greatly suffers. With many plastics and even organic wastes buried in the heap of garbage, many reusable items go to waste.

The soil will also get polluted as the waste will begin leaching toxic substances. In case there’s a water body around it is also bound to get poisoned.

Furthermore, landfills destroy the beauty of the environment and tend to take up a lot of the space that could be used for productive activities.

By recycling materials, the number of landfills will significantly reduce.

5.     Reduction in Incinerations

Incineration or burning of waste products has for a long time, resulted in both air and soil pollution. This is because most of the products burned, release harmful gases to the environment.

Burning also affects the plants and bushes nearby, thus leaving the land bare and unproductive.

Therefore, by recycling more products, we reduce the number of products to be incinerated.


Recycling products have so many other impacts on the environment. By practicing it, we will be able to solve most of the problems that are now threatening our ecosystem.

Therefore, since recycling has proven to have a powerful impact on the environment, the time has come for us to embrace it whole-heartedly.

5 Natural Treatments for Sleep Apnea Symptoms

5 Natural Treatments for Sleep Apnea Symptoms

The sleep apnea happens to be a common and serious disorder that can call for one or more pauses in the breath as you sleep. These breathing intervals can last from few seconds to few minutes. The patients who have sleep apnea do take an