Easy exercises you can do right now to relieve lower back pain

Easy exercises you can do right now to relieve lower back pain

If you’re suffering from lower back pain, it can be both frustrating and painful. Knowing a few quick and simple exercises can greatly relieve lower back pain and stress. For these to have the full effect, keep it consistent, and remember to breathe as you go.

  1. Side stretch

This one is easy to do, especially if you’re on a busy schedule. No fancy equipment, no hassle, just find a space, and begin.

  • Assume a kneeling position. Feet flat/pointed on the mat.
  • Lean over so your arms are out in front of you, bottom towards your heels.
  • Walk your hands across to your side and hold for 20 or 30 seconds
  • Repeat the reach with the other side.
  1. Knee Rocking Stretch

If you need to loosen up and don’t have time for a full yoga session, this exercise is a time-saving alternative.

  • Lie on your back with your knees and feet together
  • Hold the sides of your mat with your hands
  • Roll your knees side to side
  • To advance the stretch, lower one leg and with your opposite arm hold onto your bent knee as you complete rotations back and forth to the one side.
  • Hold the stretch for a few seconds each time.
  • Complete 10 rotations each way.
  1. Knee to chest stretch

Use this stretch to cultivate better mobility and ease off lower back pain. This is as easy as it gets, but when used effectively and consistently can do wonders for anyone suffering from lower back issues. Including this in your routine for consistency and efficacy.

  • Lie on your back with a firm but comfortable surface beneath
  • Bend knees and wrap your arms around your legs
  • Gently bounce your knees towards your chest, taking care not to pull too hard

As always, do not persist with pain during exercises, seek professional help for your condition.

Physiotherapy exercises for lower back pain

If you want to learn more about how physiotherapy can help relieve lower back pain and see a more detailed run-through of the exercises above,click physiotherapy exercises for lower back pain.

Pain in the lower back or lumbar region can be very debilitating if not treated and managed effectively. Knowing when is the right time to see a professional can sometimes be hard, especially as lower back pain is so common. Whether it’s a workplace injury or perhaps a more permanent pain, it’s never too late to seek professional help. Seeking the help of a qualified physiotherapist is the first step in the recovery process.