Roles and Responsibilities of Certified Nurse-Midwives

Roles and Responsibilities of Certified Nurse-Midwives

Certified nurse midwives focus on pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and postpartum services. These health professionals also provide gynecological, reproductive, and menopause care services. Certified nurse-midwives are registered nurses but have additional certification as midwives. A certified nurse midwife Jackson Heights, NY can perform natural childbirth independently but must work with an obstetrician during a Cesarean section. Certified nurse midwives can diagnose and treat conditions arising during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum. The providers can refer you to specialists in case of complicated cases. There are many roles and responsibilities of certified nurse midwives, including:

Provide care to pregnant women

When you are pregnant, you need special care to ensure you and your baby are safe and healthy. Certified nurse midwives provide primary care to pregnant women by focusing on issues that may arise during pregnancy and birth. The specialists can treat problems like leg swelling, back pain, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. The providers also monitor the growth of your fetus by checking weight, formation, and vital signs. If your fetus has complications, your nurse-midwife can intervene or refer you to a specialist.

Help during labor and childbirth

Certified nurse midwives work with obstetricians during childbirth to ensure you deliver your baby safely. If you get complications during the process, your nurse-midwife can help in decisive actions to provide the best solution. Certified nurse midwives can assist in the delivery process with minimal intervention and administer medications as needed. Your nurse-midwife can do low-intervention techniques if you require induced labor. The providers also give mothers emotional support before and after childbirth because the process can be traumatic.

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Nurse midwives provide postpartum care

After childbirth, your nurse-midwife can perform certain tests to ensure you go home safely. Your newborn also requires special attention after delivery. Your nurse-midwife teaches you how to take care of your baby. The provider also answers questions you might be having concerning your health and that of your baby. If you or your baby encounter any problem in the postpartum phase, your nurse-midwife can evaluate and treat the condition.

Nurse midwives refer patients to specialists

Certified nurse midwives diagnose and treat various conditions during pregnancy and postpartum care. But some issues can be intricate, requiring a specialist. For example, a nurse-midwife cannot do a Cesarean section. Your nurse-midwife will refer you to an obstetrician if you need a C-section. The provider may also refer you to a specialist in severe or emergency cases.

They provide healthcare services to women

Certified nurse midwives also prevent, diagnose and treat women’s health issues, especially conditions related to the reproductive system. The providers offer primary healthcare services to women of any age. Your nurse-midwife can perform Pap smears, sexually transmitted infections tests, and treat menopausal symptoms. Certified nurse midwives educate women on birth control methods, fertility issues, and prenatal and postpartum care.

Certified nurse midwives focus on pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and postpartum services. These professionals provide healthcare to pregnant women, assist women during labor and delivery, refer pregnant women to specialists and offer women’s health care. Schedule an appointment at Raveco Medical to get pregnancy care from experienced and certified nurse midwives.

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