Author: samanvya

What You Need To Know About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

What You Need To Know About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Breast cancer is a devastating diagnosis that affects millions of women every year. Some breast cancer survivors who have lost one or both of their breasts to the illness feel physically and emotionally incomplete. If you have undergone a mastectomy, the best East Windsor, NJ 

Erectile Dysfunction: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Erectile Dysfunction: Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Most men occasionally experience problems sustaining an erection during sexual intercourse. It can occur due to stress or temporary physiological conditions. Those incidents do not raise any serious concerns. But if they occur frequently, consider consulting Atlas Men’s Clinic for Los Angeles ED diagnosis and 

5 Conditions That Ketamine Therapy Remedies

5 Conditions That Ketamine Therapy Remedies

There are various ways doctors treat mental disorders. They may use psychotherapy, whereby the patient explores their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to improve their well-being. In some cases, they may prescribe medications. Unfortunately, psychotherapy and medications may not work fast enough, so ketamine therapy may be the only choice.

According to Howell ReYou clinic, ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that alters your brain function by managing pain and depression. It treats your mental symptoms within 2 hours, making it very effective. What conditions can ketamine therapy treat? Here they are below.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD is a condition that makes you engage in repetitive behaviors due to constant fear and unwanted thoughts. People with OCD usually try to ignore their obsessions but instead become even more anxious. The mental disorder may cause you to constantly wash your hands, arrange items on a shelf a certain way or check if doors are locked.

Ketamine acts directly on your brain receptors and increases glutamate (a brain chemical) levels. People with insufficient glutamate tend to develop OCD tendencies.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

This disorder is triggered by frightening events such as road accidents, domestic abuse, or sexual assault. Its symptoms usually appear within a month after the event. First, you will experience constant flashbacks as though the event was happening now. Next, you will try to repress your memories while experiencing hopelessness, trouble sleeping, and irritability.

The anesthetic corrects the condition by minimizing NMDA-glutamate receptors in the brain. If they are too many, you begin experiencing depressive symptoms.

Postpartum Depression

This form of depression affects women as soon as they give birth. Initially, they will experience common baby blues symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Later, they experience severe depressive symptoms such as appetite loss, panic attacks, guilt, suicidal thoughts, and contemplation of harming their baby.

In minimal doses, it helps form new pathways within the brain to influence how you feel and think. Mothers need to receive 6-8 infusions within four weeks to get relief from their symptoms.

Anxiety Disorder

This condition causes you to be so anxious that you find it difficult to proceed with your normal activities. Besides feeling very nervous, you will sweat, tremble, breathe rapidly, and experience gastrointestinal (GI) issues. Eventually, such people resort to drug use to calm down. At that point, it is time for them to consider ketamine infusions.

The anesthetic increases neuroplasticity, which is a process through which your brain gets rewired. As a result, you will change how you feel about situations that trigger your anxiety.


Depression affects how you feel, act, and think. Its symptoms include a disinterest in things you once enjoyed, fatigue, trouble sleeping, suicidal thoughts, and constant appetite changes.

Since ketamine causes temporal dissociation, you will not experience negative thoughts. It is effective in easing its symptoms, provided that doctors use the correct dosage.

As effective as ketamine therapy is, you should know its side effects. You may experience nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, and increased blood pressure. That means you should only consider ketamine therapy as a last resort.

Another thing to consider is that ketamine may trigger addiction. You may go for therapy to forget your problems or experience euphoria. Again, your doctor will watch you closely as they administer the treatment. If you feel that you get addicted, you can always talk to your doctor about any arrangement changes.

Reasons to Consider Professional Teeth Whitening

Reasons to Consider Professional Teeth Whitening

There is doubt that teeth color significantly affects your appearance and how you relate with others. Your smile is the best tool for welcoming new people into your life, meaning it is one of the first things people notice about you. Imperfections such as discolored 

Tips For Diabetic Wound Care

Tips For Diabetic Wound Care

Diabetes can cause various health complications, and one of the most common is the development of wounds that are slow to heal. If not treated quickly and effectively, these wounds might result in severe complications, including amputation. If you have diabetes, proper Bakersfield wound care 

Learn About Your Hypertension Risk Factors

Learn About Your Hypertension Risk Factors

Hypertension is a lifestyle disorder that can result in life-threatening complications if not addressed. Although high blood pressure rarely causes symptoms, it continues to cause irreversible damage to your blood vessels and heart.Kyle Scarborough MD and his team utilize advanced technology to develop a personalized treatment plan to manage your blood pressure, preventing life-threatening complications.

When to consult your doctor about hypertension

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition that affects your arteries. When you have blood pressure above 140/90mmHg, your blood pushes against your artery walls, and your heart has to pump blood twice as hard to keep up. Medical experts call hypertension the “silent killer” because you may not know its existence, but the damage is not stagnant. Most people with hypertension rarely experience any symptoms, even if the blood pressure levels are off the charts.

However, some people may experience shortness of breath, nosebleeds, and headaches. These symptoms may manifest when the disorder has reached an advanced life-threatening stage. Family Life Medical specialists recommend regular blood pressure screenings to allow your doctor to detect hypertension before it causes further damage. The frequency of your screenings will rely on your overall health and age. Your provider may recommend frequent blood pressure screenings if you have a family or health history of heart disease.

Risk factors for hypertension.

Several medical conditions and lifestyle habits can elevate your risk of hypertension. If you have any of the following disorders, inform your physician:

  • Elevated blood pressure

Elevated blood pressure levels indicate an early hypertension stage, which develops over time. Slightly high blood pressure elevates your chances of developing long-lasting or chronic high blood pressure if not managed. An early diagnosis enables your doctor to develop a treatment plan to prevent the progression of the disease and the occurrence of the associated complications.

  • Diabetes

Medical records show that 6 out of 10 patients who live with diabetes also have hypertension. Diabetes is a chronic disorder that causes the accumulation of sugars in your bloodstream, elevating your risk of heart disease. You can discuss with your doctor about management treatments for diabetes and other risk factors.

Your lifestyle can also increase your risk of hypertension. Lifestyle choices that your doctor may advise against include:

  • Unhealthy diet

A diet that is too low in potassium and too high in sodium is a catalyst for high blood pressure. Most of the sodium you take comes from restaurants and processed foods. Inadequate potassium intake impairs your body’s ability to function as expected, leading to high blood pressure.

  • Physical inactivity

Regular exercise keeps your blood vessels and heart strong and healthy, lowering your risk of hypertension. Physical activity also aids in maintaining the ideal weight, reducing your risk of other heart-related disorders.

  • Obesity

Obesity, or being overweight, means having excess body fat, which makes your heart work harder to pump blood to other body parts. Over time, all the stress on your heart and blood vessels can lead to high blood pressure. Additionally, obesity can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

Call the Family Life Medical office or book an appointment online for more information about high blood pressure.

4 Common Hair Loss Risk Factors

4 Common Hair Loss Risk Factors

Is your hair Insta-worthy? Your long and beautiful hair is a part of your personality. Unfortunately, hair doesn’t always stay intact. You may lose more strands, and while you want them to grow back fast, it doesn’t always happen. Your hair is a long chain 

Why Allergy Testing Is Important

Why Allergy Testing Is Important

Allergies are common, but the prevalence doesn’t take away from the fact that they can be overwhelming and even, at times, severe to the point of death. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, wheezing, coughing, runny nose, hives, rashes, scratchy throat, and itchy eyes. In serious 

Tips to Deal with Shoulder Pain

Tips to Deal with Shoulder Pain

Although the shoulders carry the load on the arms and support the neck, it is prone to trauma as it is exposed and can be affected by health issues such as arthritis. Sometimes you would develop a frozen shoulder if you overuse the shoulder joint or sustain injuries due to trauma accidents. The frozen shoulder might predispose you to chronic pain, inability to move the arms, and spine pain. shoulder pain Brunswick can affect your life, making it impossible to move the neck and reducing the range of motion on the spine. These are tips for dealing with shoulder pain.

Use Heat Therapy

Heat therapy works for pain in almost all joints and alleviates the pain and discomfort in the shoulder. However, you should only apply the cold pack soon after the injury, as it numbs the pain and reduces inflammation. Additionally, the heat pack increases the blood flow to the shoulder removing toxins and supplying energy which leads to healing. You may alternate the heat and cold packs during the heat therapy treatment for ultimate pain control. Heat therapy can increase the range of motion on the shoulder and improve the frozen shoulders.

Opt For Over-The-Counter Medications

Over-the-counter medications might alleviate the acute pain that occurs soon after an injury but may not heal chronic pain. The chronic pain might persist for months, and over-the-counter drugs will not deal with the type of pain. However, the prescription medications will work on chronic shoulder pain as they are designed to numb the pain for an extended time. You may wish to avoid opioids when dealing with chronic pain, which leads to addiction over time. Once you start using opioid painkillers, your body might resist the medications, making it necessary to increase the dosage. Over time, you will rely on opioids to function or avoid the pain.

Opt For Epidural Injections

Although epidural injections are corticosteroids, they are not addictive but will block the pain transfer from the brain to the shoulders. The doctor will inject the epidural medications into the shoulders, instantly relieving the pain. The epidural injections alleviate a frozen shoulder and increase the range of motion, thus improving shoulder health. They may delay surgery, and in some cases, you would avoid surgery completely.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy increases the shoulder’s range of movement, but you should not opt for the treatment plan without engaging an orthopedic doctor. An orthopedic doctor will examine the shoulder and recommend physical therapy for mild injuries. Additionally, a physical therapist will recommend the right exercises to alleviate shoulder pain.


Surgery is the last option when dealing with shoulder pain, as it is invasive and leaves undesirable side effects. The surgery might replace the cartilage with metal, plastics, and ceramics, which create sliding surfaces. The treatment is a long-term approach to frozen shoulders and chronic pain.

Chronic shoulder pain reduces your efficiency at work or school as it affects the hands, the neck, and the spine. A frozen shoulder makes it impossible to engage in field activities and reduces your competitive edge in sports. Thus, you should opt for home remedies such as heat therapy which alleviate pain and inflammation. The heat increases the blood flow removing toxins from the frozen shoulder. On the other hand, the cold pack numbs the pain-reducing inflammation. You may opt for medications that reduce pain and physical therapy to increase the range of motion.

The Kinds Of Care Given At Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly

The Kinds Of Care Given At Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly

In the United States of America, a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) is a type of care facility that provides a home-like environment and personalized care to older adults who are no longer able to live independently at home. The goal of RCFEs