Tag: Benefits of CBD Oil

Know the Benefits and Advantages of CBD Oil

Know the Benefits and Advantages of CBD Oil

CBD is the short form of Cannabidiol that makes some natural products. These products are particularly making with the cannabis plant and some chemicals. This plant has very positive effects on the body. The human body is based on the endocannabinoid system that controls the 



CBD which is known as Cannibidoil is a natural remedy that has been used to cure a lot of ailments. In the marijuana plant, there exists close to 104 chemical compounds and they are known as cannabinoid. The CBD happens to be one of these 

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

The Health Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD is one of the many compounds which are known as cannabinoids. There are various medical uses for CBD that can help patients of anxiety, cancer, general chronic pain, etc. However, CBD isn’t strictly marijuana or cannabis as you know it. It’s a concentrated liquid that is extracted from the marijuana plant that is quick acting and doesn’t require you to smoke any of the plants to achieve the desired effects.

The Difference Between CBD and Marijuana

CBD is a series of compounds that can be extracted from the marijuana plant. Since marijuana contains both THC and CBD, these compounds have very different effects and can be experienced together when you smoke the plant. It’s the THC that creates the mind-altering effects that people call a “high” when they smoke marijuana. It can also be created by cooking. This is because THC breaks down when the heat is applied.

CBD is different since it’s not psychoactive. This means that CBD doesn’t alter the state of mind of anyone ingesting it, but it does have all the medical benefits that smoking marijuana can give you.

Where Does CBD Come From?

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. In its least processed form, hemp, CBD is concentrated. Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, which is called Cannabis sativa. However, the two are very different.

Over the years, selective breeding of these plants has led to higher and higher levels of CBD in these plants. These plants are used to create CBD oil for consumption and selling.

How Does it Work?

CBD or cannabinoids produce effects in the body by attaching to receptors. The human body produces cannabinoids on its own sometimes and has two receptors for the chemicals. These are called CB1 and CB2 receptors. The former are present all throughout the body, but most are in the brain. CB1 receptors in the brain are responsible for coordination, movement, pain, and emotions, etc. They are also known to regulate moods, thinking, appetite, and memories. THC can attach to these receptors.

CB2 receptors are very common in the immune system and can affect inflammation and pain. CB2 directs the body to use more of its own cannabinoids in order to reduce inflammation and pain throughout the body.

You can click here to get an accurate measure of your CBD oil drops dosage.


Pain Relief

Marijuana is continually cited as a drug that can cause pain relief. CBD offers a very natural alternative to over the counter drugs that can lead to addiction. A study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine has found that CBD can reduce chronic inflammation and pain in some mice and rats. The research also suggests that it could be a new treatment for chronic pain in the future.

Effects on Epilepsy

After years of research, the FDA has approved using CBD as therapy for two very rare conditions which are characterized by epileptic seizures in 2018. These include Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) which appears in children during the age of 3 to 5 and Dravet Syndrome, which appears in the first year of life and involves frequent seizures which are related to fevers.

Other treatments for other epilepsy-related diseases and seizures have currently not been approved.

Treatment for Psychological Ailments

The authors of a review published on the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health shows that CBD has anti-seizure properties and many beneficial effects for those that are struggling with epilepsy. These findings also suggested that CBD can treat complications which are linked to neurodegenerative diseases, neuronal injury, and psychiatric diseases.

One study that was published in the Current Pharmaceutical Design Journal found that CBD had similar effects to drugs which served as treatments for people with schizophrenia. Further research is, of course, necessary to establish conclusive results on this end.

Anxiety Disorders

While doctors do tell people with chronic anxiety and depression to avoid cannabis, this is because of the THC within the plant. Research conducted on CBD has shown that it may help reduce anxiety in people with certain disorders.

According to a review from Neurotherapeutics, CBD can help reduce anxiety-related behaviors in people like PTSD, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and OCD.

However, since further evidence is needed to establish conclusive results, it’s not feasible to rely completely on CBD to treat anxiety disorders just yet.


CBD has also been shown to combat cancer in some cases. Authors of a review which was published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology showed that CBD can significantly prevent the spread of cancer. Researchers concluded that the compound can suppress the growth of tumors and even help destroy them in some cases.

They pointed out that CBD has low levels of toxicity and further trials may be able to establish that it can act as an accompaniment to standard cancer treatments.

Diabetes Type 1

Type 1 Diabetes can result from the inflammation of the pancreas when the immune system attacks it. The research published by Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation in 2016 has shown that CBD can ease the inflammation process. It may very well provide the cure for Type 1 Diabetes in the future.

Another paper which was presented the same year in Lisbon, Portugal showed that CBD can protect against inflammation and delay the onset of Type 1 Diabetes in the human body. These results are very promising and can benefit those that suffer from a genetic predisposition to develop diabetes in their early lives.


Initial research that was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has found that CBD can be used to prevent the development of social recognition deficit in participants. This means that CBD could potentially help people with high chances of the early onset of Alzheimer’s. It can slow down the progression of the disease and help people get the treatment they need in order to fight it for as long as possible.

CBD oil is a very useful chemical for treatment of many diseases and numbing pain. However, you should always speak to a physician before administering any chemical for any type of disease.

Vapes for Cannabis & CBD

Vapes for Cannabis & CBD

In the cannabis industry, there are many new products that are consistently coming out. Although vaporizers are not new in the grand scheme of things, new aged vape pens are improved and updated. Vaping goes back to thousands of years ago when people would heat 

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil and How Could It Help You Throughout Your Life

What are the Benefits of CBD Oil and How Could It Help You Throughout Your Life

When it comes to hemp trends, it seems like there’s always a new and exciting way to use cannabis in your everyday life. Many people are realizing that CBD is more than a trend and are using this oil to heal medical conditions and help