Tips for improving your financial health

Tips for improving your financial health

We all know the importance of maintaining and improving your financial health but few people consider the implications their financial health can have on their overall sense of wellbeing. Financial troubles can severely impact your mood and can, in extreme cases, lead to depression or other mental distress.

For many people, staying on top of their finances can seem a daunting process and financial prudence definitely comes more naturally to some individuals than others. If you frequently find yourself in times of monetary hardship, here are a few tips for improving your financial health and help keep a tighter rein on your spending.

Monitor and control your spending and out-goings: As a rule, you should always aim to spend less than you earn. Constantly spending above your earnings will only result in mounting debts and loans. It’s always a useful exercise to remind yourself before getting into debt that you will have to pay the money back eventually – so only ever borrow what you can afford to pay back. Cutting your spending is the best way to get your finances under control.

Set a budget and stick to it: Even the most financially-cautious among us can benefit from working out a weekly or monthly budget and sticking to it. Budgeting allows you to identify where the majority of your spending occurs and will help you when trying to identify where to cut down.

Settle credit card debts: Credit cards are great if you use them responsibly and pay back the monies owed each month to avoid interest charges. However, if you let credit card debt mount up, you will end paying considerably more for goods than you would have if you’d just saved up for the item in the first place.

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Formulate a savings plan: Ideally, you should aim to save at least 10% of your earnings to build a fund of savings behind you for any unexpected expenses or emergencies.

Invest your money: It perhaps goes without saying but, if you don’t have access to your money, you can’t spend it. Investing money is one of the greatest ways to build a fund behind you. For most people, a home purchase or mortgage can be a successful way to invest money for the future. Check online sites like for the latest mortgage advice and rates – and don’t be afraid to shop around and change your existing mortgage if you find you can get a better deal. Other popular investments include shares, bonds or retirement funds.

Consult with a financial adviser: If you find money management tricky, seeking the advice of a skilled financial adviser may provide your best route back to fiscal security. Advisers are professionally trained to consider your particular circumstances and can offer wide-ranging advice on how to improve your financial position.

Set up a financial record system: If you don’t keep a close record of your finances, it’s possible you could be missing out on tax incentives, deductions or credits. Keeping a detailed record of your finances will help you keep a close eye over your financial affairs. Comprehensive records will also be a considerable help if you do decide to seek external professional advice.

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