Demystifying the Myths and Highlight of Facts About Mental Health
Facts about Mental health is increasingly gaining more attention with individuals now readily willing to be engaged in discussions surrounding it. Thanks to science and better media coverage, the need for healthy mental health is now considered important as the physical well-being of persons.
However, just as the awareness about this subject spreads, so do the myths and misconceptions. This is despite the societal stigma faced by people with mental health conditions.
Some people still believe evil spirits are responsible for mental illness. Some mental health and misconceptions are disputed below with highlighted facts:
- Only people punished by evil spirits experience mental illness
Despite lots of scientific evidence disputing this, religious beliefs still make some individuals believe this.
Mental illness is a medical condition similar to any other illness. Anybody can be affected by this illness. To clarify things, depression is a mental condition and it is a condition every individual is highly likely to experience.
According to a report, the number of persons who died as a result of suicide is more than double the cases of homicide. Meanwhile, suicide is mostly caused by depression, a mental condition.
- Only adults can experience mental health conditions
Mental health conditions do not only affect adults. Just like adults, young people are prone to addiction and mental health conditions. At least, half of the mental health disorders have been discovered to show signs before the patient clocks 14 years old. Likewise, about three-quarters of mental conditions begin before the person turns 14 years old. This misconception has deprived lots of young patients of early treatment.
- People with mental conditions are unemployable
This is false. It is however true that people with certain mental conditions may not be able to perform regular work. But a larger percentage of people with mental conditions are in active employment. This myth was observed to be believed by some employers.
According to a survey report published in the US in 2014, the employment rate reduced with mental illness severity. The employment gap was also observed to significantly increase with age. People between the ages of 18 and 25 years have just a 1% difference in the rate of employment when compared with people without any mental illness. However, for people between the ages of 50 and 64, the difference was about 21%.
- Only weak people are affected by mental disorder
This myth is similar to saying only weak people are affected by diabetes or cancer. Even though the tolerance level of an individual differs, a mental condition doesn’t signify the patient’s sickness. Not everyone has the strength of handling depression and no one can be a better judge of another.
- Violence is a sign of mental condition
This myth is similar to saying all obese persons are lazy to exercise and consume too much food, which is a lie. Obesity has been attributed to genetics.
Likewise, not all persons with mental conditions are violent. People with mental conditions are only responsible for 3-5% of violent acts. They are most likely to be victims of violence themselves (such as a rape victim). There is a high chance you know more than one person with mental health conditions who are an active and productive member of the community.
Easy mental health activities practicable at home
There are activities people suffering from mental health conditions such as depression could practise at home. Below are some:
- Creative activities
Tasking the brain to engage in creative activities such as painting could help overcome depression.
This activity is recommended for people working from home who are beginning to feel bored after the completion of office work. Getting engaged in things you love could make staying indoors worth it.
Practice Yoga
Regardless of fitness or age, there is a yoga lineage for everyone. Yoga helps individuals connect to their center.
Plenty of Sleep
Sleep is important for optimal performance. Whenever you have the chance, sleep as much as possible.
Act of kindness
Volunteer for NGOs seeing to the needs of people. Putting a smile on somebody else’s face could help you achieve happiness yourself. If your time doesn’t permit voluntary work, an act of kindness to random persons may suffice.
Exercise & Nutrition- Facts About Mental Health
Exercise and nutrition can improve general well being. Exercise for instance could significantly help with cardiovascular health which invariably improves emotional stability and thus reduces anxiety.
Some foods could improve mental health, while there are others to avoid. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon can boost mental health. Nuts, seeds, legumes (such as beans) are also good for the brain. Dark green leafy vegetables help secure the brain.
Avoid as much as possible, processed snack foods, such as potato chips. This kind of food can impair the brain’s concentration.