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4 Nutrition Tips for Seniors Over 65

4 Nutrition Tips for Seniors Over 65

It’s normal to see a shift in eating habits and nutritional requirements as you age. But a wholesome diet is more important than ever at this stage of life. The right nutrients will boost immune resilience, increase mood state and energy levels, sharpen mental acuity, promote a healthy weight, reinforce bone and muscle strength, and lower the risk of chronic disease. In other words, what you eat can impact how well you age.

About 1 in 2 adults, ages 65 and over, are susceptible to malnourishment, so it’s essential to consume a variety of nutritious foods with fresh, seasonal, quality ingredients. Many senior living communities offer healthy onsite dining options to make this food more accessible, but if you aren’t sure how to adjust your eating habits for optimal wellness and longevity, the nutrition tips below will clear the guesswork off your plate.

Focus on Your Protein and Vitamin B-12 Intake

Muscle and bone loss is common as you age, but this can lead to weakness, injuries, or mobility issues over time. So in order to protect the musculoskeletal system, you’ll need to consume adequate amounts of protein and Vitamin B-12. Protein builds lean muscle mass and improves bone density, while Vitamin B-12 promotes healthy red blood cells to oxygenate the connective tissues. Senior adults are often deficient in this particular nutrient as a result of taking certain medications, but fortunately, several protein-rich foods also contain Vitamin B-12. Here are a few examples: chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, fortified cereal, milk, or water lentils.

Be Careful of Sugar, Sodium, and Saturated Fat

Your total caloric needs will usually decrease once you’re over the age of 65. Because of this, it’s important to be mindful of empty calories in the form of sodium, sugar, or saturated fat. These food items often contain artificial ingredients which lack nutritional value. In excess, they could also increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart issues, or, in some cases, even cancer. According to the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you should eat less than 2,300mg of sodium, less than 22g of saturated fats, and less than 50g of refined sugars on a daily basis. Natural, non-synthetic food sources are preferable.

Opt for Fruits or Vegetables if You Need a Snack

While many senior adults notice a shrink in their appetites, sometimes you crave a snack in the afternoon or evening. At times when you feel peckish, it’s tempting to reach for a handful of salty chips or a bowl of vanilla ice cream, but the healthiest snack options are fresh vegetable or fruit. The dense nutrient profile of these foods will keep you satiated without exceeding your overall calorie allotment. But if the idea of plain fruits or vegetables doesn’t thrill you, here are some ways to infuse more flavor into this healthy snack: pair raw carrots with hummus, freeze a bunch of red grapes, or skewer tomatoes with basil and mozzarella cheese.

Drink Water—and Reduce Alcohol Consumption

The older you are, the more water you need to consume, reports the Journal of Physiology. That’s because older age makes it hard to regulate internal core body temperature, often leading to muscle pain, electrolyte imbalance, fatigue, heart strain, or heat exhaustion in the event of dehydration. In extreme cases, this can also result in organ failure, the research continues. Aim to drink 6–8 cups of water each day (about 2 liters) if possible—and limit your intake of alcohol, soda, caffeine, and juice concentrates, as these could further exacerbate dehydration. No more than 1–2 alcoholic beverages per week is advisable.

Optimize Your Nutrition for Wellness and Longevity

If you are over the age of 65, it’s time to make wholesome eating habits a priority. The more nutritious your diet, the healthier you’ll be and the more vibrant you’ll feel. Age is just a number, and these “golden years” are meant to be lived to their fullest. So fuel yourself with the right kind of nourishment to enjoy this current phase of life as long as possible.

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Tops Reasons to Consider PRP Hair Restoration

Tops Reasons to Consider PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss and balding are mainly seen in men, but it is a common problem across all genders. The main risk factors are poor nutrition, advancing age, stress, hormonal changes, genetics, and the use of certain medicines. If you notice hair thinning or loss, Platelet rich plasma (PRP) hair treatment Santa Monica can help restore thicker and fuller hair. PRP hair treatment uses white blood cells and platelets rich in growth factors. The growth factors stimulate cell regeneration and promote healthy hair regrowth. PRP hair restoration treatment can help restore your youthful looks and improve your confidence. Among the reasons to seek PRP hair restoration are:

Safe procedure

The specialists take some of your blood to make the PRP during the treatment. The process does not involve the addition of foreign material. This makes the procedure safer since there is no room for adverse allergic reactions. The success rate is also higher since your body can’t reject the PRP. This means the highly concentrated PRP will work as intended, helping repair damaged hair follicles and improve cell regeneration in areas where hair loss is experienced. PRP facilitates repair and reawakens the non-functioning hair follicles, stimulating the hair growth cycle, meaning you will have new strands popping from the shafts. The natural approach, leveraging your body’s healing abilities, makes PRP a much safer hair restoration option.


PRP hair restoration will not significantly interfere with your schedule. It requires little time for preparation, and the procedure can be performed in the specialist’s office within minutes. A needle is used to withdraw blood, and then after the platelets and white blood cells are separated from the blood, they are injected into the targeted area. After the treatment, you won’t need to take some time off for recovery. The fast process makes it convenient for anyone, regardless of their schedules.

Customizable restoration

The cause of hair thinning and loss varies from one person to the next as age, and hereditary tendencies, among other factors, are considered. PRP is flexible and can be customized to match your situation and goals. The concentration and amount of PRP used can be designed depending on your needs, the extent of the hair loss, and scalp health. Such customizations help achieve the desired hair restoration, which you may not realize with other alternatives.

Non-invasive hair restoration

You have tried options like mediation but have yet to realize notable hair restoration. You now could be considering the hair transplant procedure. The risks and complications of such invasive hair restoration, including scarring, can be discouraging. PRP is a non-invasive alternative that eliminates such concerns. Virtually anyone is a good candidate since the restoration uses your blood components which can’t cause side effects or serious concerns. With no incisions, you won’t have to worry about bleeding, infections, or scarring, among other concerns, making PRP hair restoration an ideal option.

PRP hair restoration delivers a more natural impact. Since the body self-repairs to promote hair regrowth, you won’t have to worry about concerns like hair color and texture that don’t match. Natural regrowth also translates to longer-lasting results. Call Self Care LA today for more on PRP hair treatment.

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The Benefits of Upgrading to an Automated Powder Coating System

The Benefits of Upgrading to an Automated Powder Coating System

Powder coating has become a popular finishing process for a wide range of industries, from automotive to aerospace, due to its durability, corrosion resistance, and attractive appearance. However, as the demand for powder coating increases, businesses are looking for ways to improve their efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness. One of the solutions that many companies are turning to is automated powder coating systems. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of upgrading to an automated powder coating system.

Increased Efficiency with Automated Powder Coating Systems

One of the most significant advantages of an automated powder coating system is the increased efficiency it offers. Unlike manual systems that require a significant amount of human intervention, automated systems can handle larger volumes of parts with minimal manual labor. This means that businesses can increase their production output, reduce lead times, and improve their overall productivity. By automating the powder coating process, companies can achieve a higher level of efficiency, which can translate into increased profitability.

Improved Quality Control

Another benefit of automated powder coating systems is improved quality control. These systems incorporate sensors, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to ensure that each part is coated correctly and uniformly. This helps businesses to reduce defects, improve product quality, and enhance their reputation for delivering consistent, high-quality coatings. With automated systems, there is less room for human error, which can lead to better quality control and a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Reduced Labor Costs

While the initial investment in an automated powder coating system may be higher than that of a manual system, the long-term cost savings can be significant due to reduced labor costs. Automated systems require less manual labor than manual systems, which can help businesses to reduce their labor costs and improve their bottom line. In addition, automated systems can free up employees to focus on more skilled tasks, which can help to improve overall job satisfaction and employee retention.

Decreased Powder Wastage

Powder wastage can be a significant cost for businesses using manual powder coating systems. Automated powder coating systems can help to reduce powder wastage by ensuring that the powder is applied evenly and efficiently. This can help businesses to save money on materials and reduce their environmental impact by minimizing the amount of powder that goes to waste. In addition, automated systems can provide real-time data on powder usage, which can help businesses to optimize their powder coating process and reduce waste further.

Improved Safety

Manual powder coating systems can pose safety risks to employees due to the need for manual handling of parts. Automated powder coating systems can reduce the need for manual handling, which can minimize the risk of workplace accidents and injuries. This can help businesses to improve their safety record and reduce their liability for workplace injuries. By investing in an automated powder coating system, businesses can create a safer and more productive work environment for their employees.

Greater Flexibility

Automated powder coating systems can offer greater flexibility than manual systems, as they can be programmed to handle a wide range of part sizes and shapes. This can help businesses to expand their capabilities and take on a wider variety of coating projects. With an automated system, businesses can offer their customers more options and increase their overall value proposition.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

By delivering consistent, high-quality coatings, automated powder coating systems can help businesses to improve their customer satisfaction levels. This can lead to repeat business, positive reviews, and a stronger reputation within the industry. By investing in an automated powder coating system, businesses can provide their customers with a superior product and experience, which can lead to long-term success.

Embracing the Advantages of Automated Powder Coating Systems: The Key to Efficiency, Quality, and Customer Satisfaction

Investing in an automated powder coating system can provide a competitive advantage for businesses looking to improve their powder coating process. By increasing efficiency, improving quality control, reducing labor costs, minimizing powder wastage, enhancing safety, providing greater flexibility, and enhancing customer satisfaction, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in their industry.

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