Simple and Easy Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

Simple and Easy Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

We’ve been reading and learning about this from school days. Perhaps even before that when our parents used to keep teaching us daily hygiene habits. Yet, as we grow older, these habits tend to take a backseat, thanks to hectic life schedules. Finishing a project on time starts taking priority over bathing.

Well, it’s natural and, we tell you, even okay sometimes to skip a habit or two. All that’s needed is that you understand and, most important, value the importance of personal hygiene in your daily life. And that’s why we thought of refreshing those basic points we all learned in our childhood.

Top 10 Good Personal Hygiene Tips for Women

Tip #1: Bathe daily

Whether you have a project deadline to meet or need to take your kid to the hospital, bathing shouldn’t take a backseat. Your to-do list is never-ending, but there’s a to-do list for your body too – the body that’s your very own. If you can shower in the morning, too good but if you can’t, do it at your convenient time (preferably not in the evenings to avoid catching a cold). But do it must.

Tip #2: Change your clothes daily

It’s a good idea to only wear clothes that are washed and clean. Make it a habit to change your clothes each time you return from playing a sport (if you follow that as a hobby) or after you’re done cooking and other household chores (because you’d tend to sweat a lot). Besides that, avoid re-wearing the same pair of clothes the next day. The same holds true for your bed sheets and pillow cases too. You sleep on them so they touch your body. Change them regularly.

Tip #3: Wash your hands more often

Now we’d been taught to wash our hands before every meal. But we women are dealing with so much throughout the day, all with our hands that the new rule is to keep washing them regularly. Say, you wash the dishes, keep handwash liquid handy near the sink. Or, you finish working on the laptop, wash your hands before you get along with other chores. Don’t forget to clean your hands after you pay money for your groceries or for anything else (remind yourself how many people would’ve touched that currency!)

Tip #4: Always carry your personal hygiene products with you

These may include hand sanitizer, mouthwash for after meals, a small deodorant, tissues or wet wipes, sanitary napkin, or anything else that you think needs to belong to your purse/backpack when you step out. You need your personal hygiene care products at all times; it needs to travel with you wherever you go.

Tip #5: Take care of your feet

Foot hygiene is important for all, but particularly for working women who’re in their shoes all day long. Your shoes and feet might smell when you return home. It’s normal but can be controlled. Always wash your feet, preferably under running water, when you return from work. Pat them dry before you put your home slip-ons. Also, alternate between different pairs of shoes to go to work everyday. Let the ones you wore today out in the balcony to get some air overnight. Wearing socks with close-toed shoes is always a good idea to absorb sweat and prevent stinking.

Tip #6: Sharing is good but not with personal hygiene items

Your toothbrush, soap, razor, hairbrush, towels, and handkerchiefs are only yours to keep. Never share these items with a friend or even family. Likewise, avoid borrowing such stuff from people around you. They are easy carriers of infections of all kinds. Moreover, all your efforts to maintain your personal hygiene could go down the drain in an instant.

Tip #7: Change your sanitary napkins regularly

This too works like bathing. You put on one and then you tend to forget about it during the day with work, kids, and other 10 things on your mind. When you retire to bed at night, you realize you’ve been on the same napkin since morning! Not only is it bad for your hygiene, it also increases chances of infection. Not to forget, you’re increasing your chances of spilling and staining too. Always change your napkin/tampon in 4-5 hours, depending on the flow.

Tip #8: Don’t overuse beauty products

Makeup and other beauty items are meant to enhance your natural beauty but overdoing it can actually harm your skin. Research proves that too much makeup can make your skin dry or oily (depending on the type of skin you have) and may even result in breakouts or acne. Always use minimal, natural-looking makeup. Also, if you do get acne for some reason, don’t ignore or delay treating it. It’s important not just for your looks but also for your facial hygiene.

Tip #9: Long nails look lovely but need care

Nails are a woman’s precious accessory. That’s perfectly fine as long as you take good care of them. Long nails are easy storehouses for dirt and germs. Always keep your nails trimmed to a comfortable length and scrape off the dirt underneath regularly with an under-nail scraper. You can also clean it manually with soap by paying special attention to these areas while washing your hands and toes. You should also consider an at home nail kit to save time and money.

Tip #10: Wear comfortable undies

We’re literally spoiled for choice with tons of designs and varieties available in the market today. Nevertheless, you know your body and comfort style, and that comes first before any other style. Always choose cotton undies rather than synthetic fibers. There’s no harm going for trendy designs as long as they’re good material for your body and make you last in them all day. Needless to say, wash them daily, always with hand. Don’t put them in your laundry for machine wash.


Your personal hygiene is as important as any other chore in your daily schedule. Make adequate time for it because only when you’re fit and healthy, you can carry out all your other tasks to perfection.