Author: outwaynetwork

The Antioxidant Properties of Shilajit

The Antioxidant Properties of Shilajit

Fruits and vegetables touted as “superfoods” these days often have one thing in common: they are rich in antioxidants. But what exactly are antioxidants and why does the body need it? Why is it so important? In this article, we will delve more on the 

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10 Gutter Installation Tips from the Pros

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Can Nutritional Supplements Really Help with Weight Management? If So, Which Supplements Are Best?

Can Nutritional Supplements Really Help with Weight Management? If So, Which Supplements Are Best?

Losing weight can be a challenge. To give yourself the best chance at successful weight loss, you need to get your body’s metabolism and digestion in good condition.Nutritional supplementsare great additions to your diet and weight loss plan since some can help you burn more calories when you exercise, and they can convert less food into fat stores.

Here we’ll discuss a few options you can try to support your efforts to lose weight or maintain a healthy body mass index. As with any weight loss aids, they will work best if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.


Trillions of bacteria and yeast cells call your intestines home. These microbes help your gut stay healthy and process the food you eat. They can digest some compounds that we otherwise can’t, such as dietary fiber, and promote healthier levels of inflammation along your digestive tract. A flourishing gut microbiome is essential for managing both weight and blood sugar.

Clinical trials have found that taking probiotic supplements can support a healthyBMI (body mass index), weight, and improve the percentage of lean muscle mass in your body.1They are more effective if you take them along with prebiotic supplements. Prebiotics are dietary fibers like fructooligosaccharides (FOS) which provide nourishment for your gut bacteria.2

Dietary Fiber

There are several other ways that fiber can help your digestion in addition to feeding your gut microbiome.It can also promote healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, and help you process blood sugar better.3

The more fiber you eat every day, the less likely you are to be overweight.4 However, the average American only gets about half of the recommended daily intake of fiber. Taking a fiber supplement, such as Whole Fiber Fusion, is a great way to make sure you get your daily dose, especially if you are on a low-carbohydrate diet.


An incredible number of natural chemicals with health benefits can be found in nature. Many plantsproduce organic compounds that can give a natural boost to your body’s metabolic processes. One of these is Berberine, a molecule found in several plants, including barberry, Oregon grape, and California poppies.

Berberine can help regulate several of your body’s processes, such as sugar and fat processing. Taking Berberine can help lower blood sugar and lipids, including triglycerides and cholesterol.5,6Studies in rodents show that it can reduce fat buildup in the liver and can support healthier body weight, at least in part because it increases the rate at which energy is burned.7

Fish Oil

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, called “healthy fats” because of their numerous health benefits. These can help promote healthierlevels of inflammation throughout your body and can improve your cellular health and metabolism, which is great for burning calories. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids can help lower your waist circumference and waist/hip ratio.8 When you take fish oil supplements as a part of a healthy diet and exercise routine, it can support healthy weight loss.

Vitamin D

If you have noticed a theme by now, it is that a healthy metabolism is essential for efficient weight loss. One of the most important nutrients for your metabolism is vitamin D. People who are overweight tend to have lower amounts of vitamin D in their body,9although the exact relationship isn’t fully understood yet.

What doctors do know is that vitamin D helps keep your hormones in balance and maintains homeostasis for several other systems in your body. Supplementing with vitamin D can lower the risk of medical conditions associated with obesity,10 and can promote a reduction in body fat.9

Everyone wants to look and feel their best. Research-backed dietary supplements can help you do just that. So, if you are looking for a natural way to enhance your health and reach your weight loss goals, speak to your doctor today about how supplements can help.


  1. John GK, Wang L, Nanavati J, Twose C, Singh R, Mullin G. Dietary Alteration of the Gut Microbiome and Its Impact on Weight and Fat Mass: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Genes. 2018;9(3).
  2. Roberfroid M, Gibson GR, Hoyles L, et al. Prebiotic effects: metabolic and health benefits. The British journal of nutrition. 2010;104 Suppl 2:S1-63.
  3. Bozzetto L, Costabile G, Della Pepa G, et al. Dietary Fibre as a Unifying Remedy for the Whole Spectrum of Obesity-Associated Cardiovascular Risk. Nutrients. 2018;10(7).
  4. Slavin JL. Dietary fiber and body weight. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif). 2005;21(3):411-418.
  5. Zhao L, Cang Z, Sun H, Nie X, Wang N, Lu Y. Berberine improves glucogenesis and lipid metabolism in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. BMC endocrine disorders. 2017;17(1):13.
  6. Hu Y, Ehli EA, Kittelsrud J, et al. Lipid-lowering effect of berberine in human subjects and rats. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology. 2012;19(10):861-867.
  7. Zhang Z, Zhang H, Li B, et al. Berberine activates thermogenesis in white and brown adipose tissue. Nature communications. 2014;5:5493.
  8. Du S, Jin J, Fang W, Su Q. Does Fish Oil Have an Anti-Obesity Effect in Overweight/Obese Adults? A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0142652.
  9. Mallard SR, Howe AS, Houghton LA. Vitamin D status and weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and nonrandomized controlled weight-loss trials. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2016;104(4):1151-1159.
  10. Bosdou JK, Konstantinidou E, Anagnostis P, Kolibianakis EM, Goulis DG. Vitamin D and Obesity: Two Interacting Players in the Field of Infertility. Nutrients. 2019;11(7).
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May CBD help to deal with a painkiller Addiction

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5 Tips to Help Beat Your Aging Parent’s Loneliness

5 Tips to Help Beat Your Aging Parent’s Loneliness

Loneliness is a very common among the elderly population and that has a lot to do with ageing. Due to decreased mobility and constant health issues, seniors often isolate themselves from the world. Additionally, they may feel embarrassed and self-conscious if they are visually impaired, suffer from incontinence and experience partial or complete hearing loss.

Researchers conducted a study at the University of California and concluded that 45% of seniors over 60 years of age who reported loneliness have an increased risk of death. Scientists also believe that loneliness affects the human body the same way stress does and leads to conditions like Alzheimer’s and heart disease. However, there are things you can do to beat your ageing parent’s loneliness and here are 5 tips for how to do just that.

Also Read: CBD is quickly becoming the most preferred choice in the treatment of heart disease

Take time to listen and talk to them

Take time to listen and talk to them

One of the easiest ways to be there for your ageing parent is to listen and talk to them. This means that you should actively participate in the conversation and give them an opportunity to express themselves. Staying in regular contact with them will also help even if you call just to ask them about their day or tell them about yours.

Teach them how to use technology and social media

Technology and social media knowledge don’t come easily to most of the elderly population, so your parent will need help to understand the basics. This is an excellent solution if your parent doesn’t live in the same city or country as you and will help you stay in touch. Teach them how to use apps like Skype, Whatsapp, Viber or Messenger, for face-to-face calls.

Introducing them to Facebook could also be interesting since it will improve their social interactions, they can play games and also see the photos their friends post. E-mail is another useful tool for staying in touch which resembles letters and they will probably have minimal trouble mastering it. Remember to have patience with them and always explain things to them in the simplest way possible since for many of them technology is scary.

Hire a professional caregiver

There is a number of ways you can find help at home for your ageing parent. One of them is hiring services that will prepare meals and drop them off, and cleaners to tidy up. Also, a professional caregiver is a great solution if your parent needs assistance with basic functions like walking and bathing.

You can organize this kind of help to be available on a daily or weekly basis depending on the needs of your parent. Every visit from any of these services will give them something to look forward to and positively affect their mood so they don’t feel lonely or abandoned.

Consider using assistive devices

There are various assistive devices that will make your ageing parent’s life easier when you are not there. For example, in the US installing an elevator so the elderly don’t have to climb stairs is very popular and helps decrease the risk of accidental falls. Based on the US National Safety Council statistics, this type of injury often happens to people over 65 and 30% of them have fatal consequences.

Personal medical alarms in Australia are widely in use since they offer freedom and independence to the elderly person without making them feel incompetent. For example, practical 4G mobile medical alarm pendant allows users to live life to their fullest by making them feel safe. It has an SOS button and a fall detector. Since many older Australians desire to stay at their homes, elderly care in this country offers various options that will accommodate that, like these medical alarms.

Spend time with your aging parent

If possible, visit your parent once a week or more frequently and spend some quality time with them. You can do gardening, make cookies and put puzzles together which will help them work on their motor and cognitive skills. Kids like to spend time with their grandparents, so organize family gatherings like barbecuing, besides celebrating anniversaries and birthdays.


The best way to beat your ageing parent’s loneliness is to find time for them and provide them with the best possible care with medical alarms and caregivers. An ordinary conversation will help them feel they still matter and boost their self-esteem, so they will go and build their own social interactions. Ageing is incurable, but you can make it more pleasant for the whole family.


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5 Tips to Help You Lose Weight the Healthy Way

5 Tips to Help You Lose Weight the Healthy Way

No one said losing weight is easy, but it can be easy to slip into the wrong habits when trying to achieve your ideal weight. Looking at different aspects around how you approach your journeycan hopefully broaden your horizons to other possibilities and will overall act more successful than previous methods that you may have tried in the past.

Altering Your Eating Lifestyle

Often, diets are non-successful as people tend to go on them for a short amount of time then stray back to their original eating habits. This can mean that any weight loss effects may be reversed, and weight can easily be put back on. Seeing diets as more of a lifestyle change rather than a temporary one offers a more long-term solution and is a lot healthier.

Many diets cut out foods that may not necessarily be bad for you, so find one that is realistic and eye-opening tofoods with better health benefits. Adapt to a lifestyle that you can be fully happy with and that provides a more realistic opportunity for weight loss. This should be considered before starting any diet or meal planning. The ketogenic diet is a perfect example of a permanent change to your eatingand provides healthy alternatives that you may not have been aware of beforehand.

Have a look at the benefits of Ketosis and how ultimately cutting out low carbs such as pasta, rice and bread can improve your health. This as opposed to other diets, canbe more long term as these discarded foods can be replaced with healthier options that are just as satisfying to eat and the health improvements still remain.

Being Consistent

One thing people struggle with when it comes to losing weight is keeping on the right track and avoiding temptations that will steer you away from your ideal body. Be aware that you can’t lose all your weight after not much time and will probablyreturn to how you were before. Take a look at some factors to consider when motivating yourself to lose weight and this should help start you off in the right direction and hopefully remain there.

Staying Active

Whilst your eating pattern is a majority of what contributes to weight loss, exercise also holds an importantplace in your transformation. There is a lot of freedom in staying active as this can range from going to the gym multiple times a week, attending dance classes or simply choosing to take the stairs instead of a lift. Being aware of how physical you are will allow you to make changes where necessary to make sure you are burning the unwanted calories.

Drinking Plenty of Water

Although water may not be everyone’s favorite drink, it sure is your body’s favorite. With the many positive health implications water has, it is a shame to let yourself miss out, especially as we are not getting any younger and your body only needs it more as you age. A solution around this is adapting water so that it can reach more people’s attention.An advantage to our modern-day society is the technology advances we have and how we have more options nowadays. Bevi is a company focused on promoting healthier environments and it puts great focus on water and its hydration benefits. They also offer impressive fizzy or flavored water machines so everyone can enjoy staying hydrated, and these can be installed anywhere. Look at these tipson hydration that Bevi provides, to increase hydration levels and what this can do to improve your health. Drinking water in between is also a good idea for preventing overeating as you get fuller quicker with more fluids in your system. This is a healthier and overall more beneficial alternative to reducing hunger and food intake.

Having the Right Mindset

It can be harder to achieve the goals you set for yourself when you allow pressures to drive your motivation. Being happy within yourself at this moment is important before any weight loss journey. It is fine to accept that you want to alter your body but make sure your mindset stays positive. This way any progress is deemed more successful as your outlook is overall better. You can’t change everything overnight, so be patient and don’t allow any opinions to knock you down or cloud your judgment. Loving yourself now sets you up in the right direction, then hopefully you will be set to feel good, happy and healthy in your own body.

Everyone has their own individual approachto losing weight the right way and they all are essential in starting your weight loss journey. There is no easy straightforward way to get your dream body right away, so having the right mentality and being aware of what healthy alternatives are out there all go well together in assisting you in this process.

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