Month: January 2020

Ways to Renovate Your Home in 2020

Ways to Renovate Your Home in 2020

New year, new me! This could also apply to your home since it’s never too late to upgrade it a bit and improve both its look and its functionality. Chances are you already have a long to-do list you never got around to get done, 

Things To Know About Cannabis and Sleep?

Things To Know About Cannabis and Sleep?

Many people often wonder if marijuana is actually useful in restoring the natural sleep cycle of a person. Many people believe that taking marijuana can make anyone fall asleep. Especially for people who have not yet smoked or even seen marijuana, the common belief is 

Things Every Man in His 40s Should Know About Health

Things Every Man in His 40s Should Know About Health

The studies are complete, the results are in, and it is overwhelmingly middle-aged men that are in or approaching their 40s that aren’t taking their health and well being seriously enough.

A male in his forties will see his likelihood of becoming diabetic skyrocket, as well as an increased chance of heart disease, prostate cancer, and mental health problems. If you are male and in or approaching your fourth decade of life, here are some things you should know.

Prevention is Paramount

Prevention is important and you should have a regular health check every five years or less. As you begin to pass through middle age and towards your retirement years, the chances of experiencing a major health problem increase, and prevention and regular checks are the key to successfully treating any ailment.

Getting a regular health check from your doctor or health provider is well worth the extra effort and expense; it could save your life.

Beware of Getting a Middle-Aged Middle

The size of your waist can tell you a lot about your body’s health, and many dieticians and doctors advise that a man in his forties with a waist measurement above 37 inches is increasing the chances of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Belly fat can be very difficult to shed and can take some consistent effort to burn away with exercise and dieting, but the results can extend your lifespan by decades. Many health professionals recommend reducing your waistline as one of the most important changes you can make to your body as you get older.

It Is Possible to Eat Yourself Thin

You don’t have to live off lettuce leaves and mineral water to lose weight, and with high protein/low-carb diets like ‘Keto’ you can lose weight while eating some of your favorite foods like steak and cheese. Just cut out sugars and carbohydrates and you will see the difference quickly.

Many men who carry excess weight often suffer from a lack of libido or even erectile dysfunction because of the extra pounds they carry. With the right diet, anyone can change this. You can speak to a wellness consultant about testosterone supplements and how they may help you as you tackle your fitness.

Ten Minutes of Exercise a Day Can Change Your Life

Small changes can lead to big results, and health professionals and fitness experts are in agreement that just by making sure you have ten minutes of exercise a day anyone can make a huge change to their health.

Ten minutes of exercise may seem easy, but many people struggle to keep it going and get their ten minutes a day. With some perseverance though, you will start to see results after a week or two and the ten minutes of exercise will become easier to complete. If after a month you seem to be breezing through your routine, add an extra ten minutes every other day. If you keep adding these ten-minute increments as your workout becomes easier, you’ll soon have a gym fit body and be easily completing a half-hour a day of working out.

Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health

One of the biggest causes of heart problems in men over forty is stress. Poor stress and anger management not only lead to physical health problems but also mental health concerns that can become a source of depression or anxiety for a lot of middle-aged men.

It is important to take care of the mind as well as the body, and you should consider practices like meditation and yoga to help you deal with daily stress and anxiety. Never be afraid or feel embarrassed to take your mental health concerns to a professional to get the help and support you need.

Hopefully, this quick guide has given you food for thought and you will start to take your health more seriously as you move through middle age and closer to retirement.

Benefits Of Solar Gate Openers

Benefits Of Solar Gate Openers

Solar energy is quite in use these days. Its use and benefits are self-explanatory why they are becoming common energy that is being utilized by masses. It is gradually replacing electricity and people are becoming more attracted to it day by day. The reason behind 

Changing Your Home for Later Life: A Short Guide

Changing Your Home for Later Life: A Short Guide

For many adults across the world, living life deep into their 80s and even beyond is a real possibility. While this means that populations are living far longer in their later years, affording them more time to experience the world and the joy of their 

10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Depression

10 Ways to Help a Loved One with Depression

Helping a loved one with depression can be a challenging task. If you’re not really sure how you can help someone you love who is struggling with depression, these ten tips will definitely help you.

Do Research

One of the first things you could do to help a loved one with depression is to learn as much as possible about their condition. It is important to get informed about depression symptoms and how to recognize them. Depression is not going to manifest the same way for all people, which is why doing thorough research is crucial. It is a serious illness like any other and should be approached as such. Also, keep in mind that no matter how well-informed you are, you will never fully comprehend and understand how the person who is dealing with depression is feeling.

Just Listen

Depression tends to make people isolate and withdraw. That is why listening and providing emotional support matters a lot to those who are dealing with depression. You need to learn how to be a better listener. Be mindful of their feelings and needs. Try to step inside your loved one’s shoes and show compassion. The one thing you should never do is try to “fix” someone who is dealing with depression by telling them how to feel or what to do. Just be there for them when they need someone to talk to.

Help Find a Therapist

People who are struggling with depression symptoms can find it pretty difficult to make that first move towards the healing process. It can be very challenging for them to pick up the phone and make the first appointment. You can help them by researching therapists. Offer your help and make the first appointment for them. It is also very important to find the right therapist. If your loved one doesn’t feel comfortable with the first therapist you chose, keep looking. So many professionals can help treat depression such as social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists.

Be Positive

Your involvement, no matter how insignificant it may seem, can make a huge difference. It is very important to be positive and keep an encouraging attitude. It is never a good option to plead or scold someone who is struggling with depression. The only thing your loved one needs is for you to be there. You might always feel like there is something more you could do or say that will immensely change your loved one’s mood. However, there is not much you can do. You have to trust your therapist to do their job as best as they can and your ‘job’ is to simply be a positive presence in your loved one’s life.

Offer Distractions

Another way you can help your loved one deal with depression is by keeping them occupied with fun activities. Being around people is generally very beneficial for those who struggle with depression. However, keep in mind that it’s going to be challenging. Trying to get someone with depression to be active definitely isn’t one of the easiest tasks out there. But don’t give up. Try to take baby steps at first. If you could just get your loved one to move to another room, or sit on the terrace with you drinking coffee, it might eventually lead to other activities as well.

Help With Daily Chores

Everyday chores and responsibilities can put a lot of stress on those who struggle with depression. Helping them cook or clean their house from time to time can make a huge difference for them. It won’t take you much time or effort, but it will mean a lot to them. Or if you could possibly even offer to babysit or arrange childcare so that your loved one can go out and enjoy some other activities, that’s even better.

Small acts of kindness matter

Putting a smile on your loved one’s face, even if just temporarily, can really help them with their depression. Don’t underestimate the power of small acts of kindness. Try to surprise your loved one with something they like from time to time. You can either surprise them with their favourite candies, go to the movies together, or you can buy them flowers. You can get the same day flower delivery services that will make sure your loved one’s favourite flowers will get delivered straight to their home with care.

Point Out Improvements

It is very common for people who struggle with depression to abruptly stop their medication because they feel like the medication is not working for them anymore. Helping them see the positive results and improvements made by therapy is crucial for helping your loved ones with depression. Noticing and pointing out these improvements will show your loved one that treatments are having an effect. It will push them to keep going. For instance, point out how clean the house is or how your loved one has been more active lately, etc.

Help Keep Track of Treatment

Taking medications is just one part of the healing process. It is also very important to keep up with therapy appointments because it can make a significant improvement in depression. People tend to avoid going to therapy because they find it expensive. Help your loved one by offering help and emphasising the importance of therapy sessions. Point out how helpful it will be for them and their depression symptoms.

Check-In Regularly

Lastly, helping your loved one by checking up on them regularly can mean a lot. Call them or visit them regularly to make sure they are doing all right. Make sure to pay attention to cues from your loved ones. Estimate how often it is that you need to check up on them depending on their needs. Show them that you care and that you’ll be there for them no matter what. And don’t give up. It may take a while for you to see the improvement but it is worth it.


In conclusion, it doesn’t take much effort or time to make sure that your loved one is doing all right. Once you recognise the depression symptoms in your friend r a family member, make sure you are there for them to offer your help and assistance. These ten steps will help you and your loved one.

Invest in Your Natural Self

Invest in Your Natural Self

Everyone is beautiful in their own right. However, that does not mean that you can avoid taking care of your body. Make a promise to yourself to support your natural beauty, and then follow through with it this year. Use these three quick steps to 

What Is the Best Way to Make Milk Kefir?

What Is the Best Way to Make Milk Kefir?

Kefir is a fermented, thick milk drink that tastes very similar to Greek yogurt. It has a very creamy and slightly sour taste that many consider to be an acquired taste. In addition to that, it has even friendlier and healthier probiotics than regular yogurt. 

10 Reasons Why Periods Last Longer Than Before

10 Reasons Why Periods Last Longer Than Before

While there isn’t a normal number of days how long your periods are supposed to last, with time every woman tends to have a regular cycle and a number of set days for how long her period lasts. However, if you notice a sudden change in this cycle and periods all of a sudden are lasting longer, you might be wondering what the reason behind this might be. There are several reasons why your period might start to last longer. These reasons might be:

Getting an IUD

Women who have just gotten an intrauterine device as a type of birth control might start to get longer periods. An intrauterine device is placed directly into the cervix and there are two types of it. One is a non-hormonal, copper-based intrauterine device, while the other one is a hormonal, progestin based one. While it is normal for the period to last longer, it is recommended to visit a doctor if the period lasts longer for three cycles in a row. Both types of intrauterine devices are able to cause long bleedings, especially in the period right after being inserted. This is a known side effect f this type of birth control, but it more often happens after the insertion of a copper*based intrauterine device. The progestin intrauterine device is more likely to completely eliminate, or make the periods lighter. This is, however, an effect that only occurs over time and the first few cycles right after insertion might still last longer. If this bleeding lasts longer than three cycles, it is recommended to see a doctor, as this might be a sign that the body is rejecting the intrauterine device, or that it has moved out of position.

You are ovulating

Bleeding for a longer period of time than usual can also be a sign that you are ovulating. It’s other known as intermenstrual bleeding and it occurs around the period of time when you should be ovulating. It usually isn’t a sign for concern, however, if this prolonged period occurs all of a sudden and is accompanied by pain, you should get it checked out by a doctor.


While the common belief is that you don’t get your period when you’re pregnant, this is not always the case. Longer bleeding can also be a sign of pregnancy. Therefore, if all of a sudden, your period is lasting longer, you should exclude the possibility of being pregnant by taking a pregnancy test.

Hormonal birth control

Just as with intrauterine devices, other types of birth control that manipulate your hormones might cause a change in your menstrual bleeding. This also includes birth control pills, implants, patches, rings or shots. As this shouldn’t be the case, you should inform your doctor if you’re bleeding longer. In this case, your doctor might prescribe you another hormonal birth control, to which your body will react better.

An early miscarriage

A first and mostly only symptom of an early miscarriage is a long period or a sudden extra heavy bleeding. The length of the cycle should get back to normal after one or three cycles. If this still is the case after three cycles, you should visit a doctor. An early miscarriage is very common and can even occur before the woman even realizes that she is pregnant.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

A polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition where cysts grow on the ovaries and prevent the eggs from maturing. This often makes the woman infertile. Polycystic ovary syndrome can cause weight gain, hair growth and prolonged periods. Having long periods accompanied by other symptoms such as weight gain and facial hair growth, you should visit a gynecologist and get tested for polycystic ovary syndrome.

Thyroid issues

Women who have hypothyroidism, low thyroid function, might have to deal with prolonged periods at some point. The prolonged periods are however usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as weight gain, hair loss, and fatigue. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor.

A blood disorder

Although this is a rather rare cause, prolonged periods can sometimes be a sign of a blood disorder, such as the hematologic blood disease. Other conditions like haemophilia or Van Willebrand are genetic and women usually already know if they suffer under such a condition. If, however, there is no known cause behind your prolonged periods and you’ve already been tested for other conditions, it is worth it to speak to your doctor about ruling out a blood disorder.

Uterine polyps or fibroids

Polyps and fibroids are uterine abnormalities, which can also lead to increased blood flow and therefore prolonged periods. The reason behind it is that your body knows that there’s something in the uterus that shouldn’t be there, and attempts to get rid of it. Polyps and fibroids are very common and don’t show any other symptoms but prolonged periods. Your doctor will usually want to keep an eye on them, but you won’t need therapy for it unless they start to grow very large or cause you pain. In this case, they can be surgically removed.

Cervical cancer

Vaginal bleeding that is abnormal, such as prolonged periods, spotting between periods or bleeding after sexual intercourse, can be a sign of cervical cancer. A cervical abnormality can be detected through Pap tests and HPV tests; therefore, it is recommended to regularly visit your gynecologist and perform the necessary preventive tests.

In general, a prolonged period might not be a reason to worry at all. However, you should keep an eye on it and wait out whether your next cycle will be normal again. IF this change is still there after three cycles and the bleeding is rather heavy, you should visit your gynecologist and see whether there is a more serious cause behind this sudden change. In general, each woman should have regular visits at the gynecologist as this is the best way of detecting conditions early and properly treating them. Women should have a proper diet these days.

5 Inspirational Lessons from a Course in Miracles

5 Inspirational Lessons from a Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles or ACIM, is an interesting approach of helping people reach a consistent state of happiness through a self-study program. It brings you the feeling of immense peace and oneness through its unique principle. These are principles that might seem ‘not of